7 Ideas to educate children with positive discipline

What educational model is preferable to apply to children? Between severity and permissiveness there is a middle point on which positive discipline is based and which gains more followers every day. It is an approach to education based on affection and firmness, but always taking into account respec

What educational model is preferable to apply to children? Between severity and permissiveness there is a middle point on which positive discipline is based and which gains more followers every day. It is an approach to education based on affection and firmness, but always taking into account respect for the child.

Positive discipline establishes rules and limits for the child but always counting on their participation, fostering their autonomy and eliminating traditional punishments.

It is possible to achieve obedience with positive discipline

The specialists in this model of education say that when children are taken into account to set limits they are more willing and cooperative. They clarify that there are rules in which the child should not interfere as those of their survival and that the parents will always have the last word.

How to communicate through positive discipline

In Guiainfantil.com we give you some examples on how to apply positive discipline to set limits and standards and enforce them through communication and dialogue.

1 - Empathy: When you put yourself in the skin of your child it will be easier to listen to him. You must teach to negotiate your child, for example: "you have 2 hours of park if you do the homework". Your child can also participate, through negotiation: "but do you give me half an hour to rest after arriving from school and then do homework?" And so it is giving its participation.

2 -Help him think:"why do you think this is bad for you?" And the same child can elaborate an answer.

3 - Give the example:Children are always focused on the behavior of parents. You can say out loud: "I'll rest half an hour before working on the computer." When they are fulfilled, you must stop and announce it, so that he will realize that you fulfill your commitments.

4 - Firmness when setting limits:Make him feel important but remembering the rules "remember how much time we agreed that you would rest?"

5 - Talk with your child:If the child did not follow the rule set to correct a bad action, he / she is asked: "Do you remember our agreement? What was it? What happened to what we agreed? What are you going to do? to remedy it? " Always make the child feel that he must take charge of his behavior. That way you will be giving him responsibility for his actions.

6 - Criticize the action and not him: Do not generalize about their behavior: "is that you are very rude, you are badly educated, you are a bad boy,". Phrases of that type will only become what you say and identify with these words. It alludes to the action: "You were rude to that person, he would feel better if you apologize to him."

7 - Focus on the positive of your child: Equally recognizes the action and not the person. "You did your homework very well, I congratulate you". Avoid phrases of the type: "you are a good girl, you are the best", etc. You will only achieve confusing labels because the actions of the children are not constantly good or bad and it is important that you remember the exact moment when you did it right and when you did it wrong.

According to positive discipline conventional punishments are not good in the long term because they generate resentment and rebelliousness because they do not manage to connect the needs of parents and children, their importance is not given importance and finally they do not fulfill the objective of teaching them values ​​for life.

So if you want to be listened to, listen, if you want kindness, be kind, if you want respect, respect, and if you want a home in peace, be more positive when it comes to raising.