Ten strategies for teachers of children ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the clinical name given to the problem suffered by children and adults who show difficulty in maintaining attention, as well as impulsivity and hyperactivity. ADHD children have more difficulties than others to control their behavior, to organize their tas

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the clinical name given to the problem suffered by children and adults who show difficulty in maintaining attention, as well as impulsivity and hyperactivity. ADHD children have more difficulties than others to control their behavior, to organize their tasks or even to finish them.

Many of these symptoms are unleashed more strongly in the classroom, and without proper attention, children with attention deficit with or without hyperactivity, can fail in the studies. A very important help can be received from their educators, since they can follow some guidelines in class that help them improve their concentration and impulsivity. Pautas 10 guidelines to be followed by teachers of children ADHD Conv 1- It is advisable that they be seated in the front seats of the class , closer to the teacher and away from windows or doors where they can be distracted more easily.2- It is good that the teachers maintain

eye contact

with the children and go to them to get their attention. 3- It is not advisable to saturate the child with reinforcement tasks or too many duties, hisstudy time has to be limited acor and according to his capacity to avoid frustration.

4- The teacher must be especially vigilant to review the tasks assigned and to train him so that he can supervise them only finally in an autonomous way. 5- If you do not have time to do homework or write homework, the teacher can designate a child who works more efficiently and can serve as a guide uno, one who can lend you the notebook if you did not have time to complete it or the agenda to verify the duties.

6- Children's ADHD calligraphy is not usually very good, instead of constantly scolding them for it, it is preferable to pay attention to whether it is well written and without spelling mistakes. Yes, the word will be erased if it is not readable .

7- Work positive reinforcement, remembering the child when he did it well and why, either because he did a problem well, his handwriting was beautiful and legible or the notebooks are neat and tidy.

It is preferable that the teacher quantify the effort and not the result .8- If the teacher notices that he is distracted, instead of forcing him to work, it is preferable to let him rest for five minutes and return to the task later with more enthusiasm.

9- Show patience with him and do not pretend to solve all the problems at once, go little by little solving the simplest first.

10- It is essential that the communication between the teacher and the family be very fluid and constant, doing tutoring frequently and maintaining contact through the school agenda to be aware of any change or event.