Stuttering in children. Detect that a child is stuttering

There is a genetic predisposition to stuttering, that is why when assessing the child, parents should always be asked if there is someone else in the family who stutters or stutters. The problem of stuttering is based on an initial weakness of the linguistic system of genetic origin (coordination di

There is a genetic predisposition to stuttering, that is why when assessing the child, parents should always be asked if there is someone else in the family who stutters or stutters.

The problem of stuttering is based on an initial weakness of the linguistic system of genetic origin (coordination difficulties, fonorespiratory difficulties ...) added to a triggering factor, such as a lot of environmental pressure or variables of the child himself.

How to detect that a child is stuttering

In children stuttering goes through three phases, the primary stage, in which the child is not yet aware of his problem, the transitory stage, in which he begins to be and the last in the one that predominates the own fear to stutter.

In the first years of life, around three or four years, an evolutionary stuttering may appear, in which the child tends to repeat whole words. It can be considered something evolutionary and it is not always necessary to carry out a treatment. In 80% of these cases the stuttering in this group disappears before the age of 16.

Once the pre-school age has passed, stuttering occurs between 0.7% and 1% of the general population, being more frequent in boys than in girls. When the child is older than 5 years and stuttering traits continue or have been accentuated, then it is advisable to assess if there is a problem and if an intervention is necessary.

How is it confirmed that the child suffers from stuttering?

When the child has dyspnea, the following behaviors may appear:

- High frequency of repetition of words or part of the words

- The articulation of the vowels is prolonged

- Muscle tensions linked to speech

- Alteration of the ratio of the speech and the word shift

- The child can be blocked at the beginning of a word (clonal stuttering), repeat syllables or whole words (stuttering), or even make a mixture of both (mixed stuttering) . La - The alteration of fluency interferes with academic performance or social communication.

- There is no sensory or motor deficit of speech that explains the difficulties previously described.

When the problem interferes with the child's life (he begins to be aware of his stuttering, he is sad, he finds it difficult to talk with friends, or with new people, for fear of "getting stuck"), without a doubt we have to intervene. However, if the parents or relatives are able to identify the problem in those previous stages in which the child has not yet developed the fear of stuttering, early intervention will be very effective.

Treatment for stuttering children

The treatment of childhood stuttering focuses on two aspects:

- Try to reduce dysfluencies during speech: train techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, control of the joint, and lengthen the vowels to the time to pronounce, will help you control speech.

- Control the appearance of anxiety behaviors. If the child is very afraid of stuttering, it will be necessary to work with him to control that fear, as well as to train the techniques described above.

Parents can do activities with the child as quick and slow storytelling exercises, so that the child learns the differences between fast and slow talking. Once the child already knows the story, you can do exercises to enter the turn of words, the mom starts a sentence and stops and asks the child to finish it.

How parents can help stuttering children

1. The first thing parents have to do is not to negatively assess the child's speech.

2. Always listen to the child and not interrupt him.

3. Do not speak for him, the child has to "face the problem" and has to learn to develop; overprotecting him and speaking for him, we will aggravate the situation.

4. Return the child always a slow speech feedback or talking slowly, calmly.

5. It is important to generalize these guidelines at all times of relationship with the child.