To nanny nana. Carol lyrics for children

This beautiful Christmas song is one of the most popular among Latin American families, especially those in Mexico. A nano nana is a Christmas carol in honor of Jesus, who would later be used by mothers as a lullaby to lull, relax and sleep their babies. It was composed for voice and piano by José R

This beautiful Christmas song is one of the most popular among Latin American families, especially those in Mexico. A nano nana is a Christmas carol in honor of Jesus, who would later be used by mothers as a lullaby to lull, relax and sleep their babies. It was composed for voice and piano by José Ramón Gomis, and lyrics by Juan Francisco Muñoz y Pabón.

Letter to the Christmas song A la nanita nana

To the nanite nana, nanita ea, nanita ea,

my Jesus is sleepy, blessed be it, blessed be it.

Fuentecilla that you run clear and sonorous

nightingale that in the jungle singing you cry

shut up while the cradle swings

to the nanny nana, nanita ea.

Handful of roses and alellis

what is it that you are dreaming that you smile?

What are your dreams, say my soul more,

what is it that you mutter? Eucharist.

Birds and fountains, auras and breezes

respect that dream and those smiles

shut up while the cradle is swinging

the child is dreaming, blessed be it.