Benefits of legumes in pregnancy

Legumes are nutrient-laden foods, in fact, could be considered superfoods . They are a source of folic acid, potassium, iron, magnesium and essential fatty acids. In addition, legumes are a source of complex carbohydrates, soluble fiber and phytochemicals or phytonutrients. But in pregnancy, is it c

Legumes are nutrient-laden foods, in fact, could be considered superfoods. They are a source of folic acid, potassium, iron, magnesium and essential fatty acids. In addition, legumes are a source of complex carbohydrates, soluble fiber and phytochemicals or phytonutrients. But in pregnancy, is it convenient to take them? In we clarify it.

5 advantages of eating legumes in pregnancy

During pregnancy you have to take care of your diet, although this does not mean you do not have to take care of it always. However, it is true that the nutritional needs of protein and some micronutrients are increased, given their need to form new structures in the growing baby.

1- Phytonutrients, present in legumes, are substances of vegetable origin that lack specific nutritional value, but whose consumption, according to the most recent research, represents a huge health benefit. Specifically, phytonutrients are related to the prevention of coronary diseases, cancer and protection against diabetes. Fiber helps balance cholesterol levels, and has been linked to the prevention of colon cancer. Legumes are also a source of protein, which, if combined with cereals, reaches a biological value similar to that of animal protein, with hardly any fat or cholesterol.

2- Within what we call legumes, you can differentiate dried legumes, such as beans or lentils, lentils and chickpeas, as well as soybeans, and fresh legumes, such as green beans and peas. The latter, being fresh, have different properties, being richer in vitamins than the rest of the legumes and looking more, nutritionally, to vegetables in general. Dried legumes provide essential amino acids, except for methionine, which is curiously the majority amino acid in cereals. Soy has a protein of better quality, more balanced, even without combining it with other foods. Por 3- On the other hand, iron is one of the minerals whose needs are increased during pregnancy, given the increase in maternal and fetal blood volume.

Legumes are a source of iron , another positive point for consumption during pregnancy.4- As a source of energy, in addition to proteins, leg legumes are rich in complex carbohydrates

. These hydrates are hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract, releasing energy more slowly than hydrolysing simple carbohydrates, providing the body with a feeling of fullness that lasts after ingestion, also helping to control nausea. The glucose released is absorbed slowly and insulin is released in a controlled manner, which is of great interest to avoid imbalances in glucose levels, which are not recommended in pregnancy, and even less if gestational diabetes has been diagnosed. Además 5- In addition, le legumes help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids , due to its soluble fiber content. However, soluble fiber are non-digestible carbohydrates, that is, they reach the intact large intestine, where the bacteria present use them, generating the dreaded flatulence. Abruptly breaking the boil while the vegetables are cooking, either when removing them from the fire or adding cold water, can help to alleviate this effect.Taking all this into account, legumes are almost all advantages and not only in pregnancy, which is why they are considered one of the main pillars of the Mediterranean diet.