Eight good reasons not to hit children

Hitting a smack, spank or slap the children is still very entrenched in many societies. Fatigue, stress, nervousness and the desire to quickly resolve a conflict situation by parents often cause us to end up raising our hands and hurt who else we should want. This practice is scientifically proven t

Hitting a smack, spank or slap the children is still very entrenched in many societies. Fatigue, stress, nervousness and the desire to quickly resolve a conflict situation by parents often cause us to end up raising our hands and hurt who else we should want.

This practice is scientifically proven that it does not educate our children at all, but on the contrary is counterproductive to their education. In Guiainfantil.com we give you 8 powerful reasons to think about another alternative before letting go of your hand.

8 reasons why do not apply physical punishment to children

1- It does not serve to educate: The child will respond out of fear but not because he understands what is asked of him, and therefore will not modify his behavior on future occasions.

2- Influences negatively on the personality of children: A child who has been hit, shouted or humiliated feels damaged in their self-esteem, feels helpless before who should protect them and makes us lose respect for us, their role models. De 3- Prove that we do not know how to resolve conflicts without violence:

We spent the day reminding our children not to shout, that they should not hit another child, that they should behave in a civilized way, however we impose violence on them how much we lose our nerves. You can not ask them not to hit if we hit. You have to know how to resolve conflicts by speaking, and if that is what we instill in our children with others, why do not we know how to do it? 4- It is a loss of parental control:

Really when an adult hits, whoever he is, he shows that he has lost control and that he does not know how to educate or reach an agreement without imposing force. We fall apart as a competent authority and show them our darker side. First of all we must exercise our self-control. 5- They will learn our violence:

Children are authentic recorders of all our behaviors. Most likely, someone who beats their children has experienced it in their own flesh as a child with their parents. Violence generates violence. Why not end the mistakes that our parents made with us? If the force is really justified by saying that nothing happens by a smack, why do not we let our boss give it to us in the office when we make a mistake? If it is not something corrective for us, neither for our children. 6- Because it generates discomfort:

Physical punishment is neither therapeutic for us, nor educational, and it will make us feel guilty over it. It is a way of reflecting your failure as an educator, in a momentary relief that entails a bad state of being in the whole family. 7- Cut the communication between parents and children:

If what you want is for your child to trust you, tell you about their problems and concerns, especially when the problematic stage of adolescence arrives, violence will achieve the opposite. It will take your child away from you and there will be no going back. 8- Create in children anxiety and fear:

A single stroke can change the child's vision of us, its referents, to that of someone to fear, and in which it can not be trusted because if it is nervous I may release a guantazo. This causes the child to develop cravings for any behavior that he believes to be reprehensible and makes him a scared child. It also teaches him to have an aggressive attitude and be antisocial, developing less empathy with others. Patricia Fernández

. Editor of Guiainfantil.com