Why names are given to hurricanes

Names like Mathew, Katrina, Sandy, Igor, among others, have been used to baptize certain hurricanes but not in a capricious or unforeseen way. This election obeys an organization that has been implemented to name them. Baptize with proper names to said atmospheric phenomena according to scientists a

Names like Mathew, Katrina, Sandy, Igor, among others, have been used to baptize certain hurricanes but not in a capricious or unforeseen way. This election obeys an organization that has been implemented to name them.

Baptize with proper names to said atmospheric phenomena according to scientists and meteorologists, it is very useful to study them and to allow in a timely, quick and simple way, to issue alerts and alarms to the communities of affected populations. In short, they facilitate communication.

History of the names with which hurricanes are baptized

Ayour sonwill be useful to know the history that hides behind the names that hurricanes and cyclones receive. For centuries the hurricanes of the Antilles were given the name of the saint whose date coincided with the storm in the place where it happened.

Then the Australian meteorologist, Clement Lindley Wragge comenzó, began to name them with the letters of the Greek alphabet and then with the names of women using biblical names.Since 1953, the United States has begun to baptize storms, cyclones and hurricanes using women's names, and in 1979 that same country decided to unify the lists and alternate between the names of both sexes.

Thus, each year a list is prepared with 21 names arranged alphabetically, one name for each letter of the alphabet, alternating between masculine and feminine. These lists are repeated every six years. In the event that more than 21 hurricanes appear in a year, the letters of the Greek alphabet sigue follow. These are simple names in English and Spanish that are easy to remember, and a country affected by a devastating hurricane can request that the name that received the phenomenon be removed from the list, which can not be used again for up to 10 years. .