Games in English for children to learn a second language

One of the best activities to boost the memory we have is the educational cards (bits of intelligence) created in 1964 by Dr. Glenn Doman, whose The purpose was to get the children to learn to read faster. This methodology has remained 50 years being one of the pillars in the education of children.

One of the best activities to boost the memory we have is the educational cards (bits of intelligence) created in 1964 by Dr. Glenn Doman, whose The purpose was to get the children to learn to read faster. This methodology has remained 50 years being one of the pillars in the education of children.

They are fantastic to teach English to childrenin a fun way and for them to look like a game. But there are more games and ways to teach English children. Here are some examples

5 activities and games to help the child with English

1. Educational sheets: The educational cards are a series of cards where we find a drawing or a picture, an object, an action ... and we use it to teach vocabulary to the child, children learn by relationship, which allows the child to observe the object focusing on him and at the same time we will enhance learning by repeating the word in English and making related gestures.

On the internet we can find a large number of cards to download with all the reasons we can imagine, body parts, food, colors, animals ... We must divide the weeks by themes and be very consistent, if we do it well and entertained, for the child it will become a game and a fun routine.

2. Activities and visual games and with intrigue: People concentrate and analyze better when we perform an activity that we enjoy, that is the reason why children learn through the game. We must find games that the child likes and that he feels totally involved in the game.

If we are learning the fruits in English, we can first gather a large number of fruits and play with them while we repeat their names and colors again and again, and we must maintain the suspense, telling them that at the end of the activity we are going to do something that is not expected, so we get the children more focused and intrigued in the game. Once we have played with the fruits and are able to repeat their names, we can make a juice with them with the fruits they choose, this will ensure that until the last moment the children have managed to keep all their concentration and helping them to store more vocabulary in your brain. Es 3. Hide things

: It is a great activity that children love, we simply have to hide a toy in the house, depending on the age, we will leave it more visible or less, the toy we will choose according to what we are working on week, so for example if we are with the means of transport, we can hide a stroller, and throughout the game we will repeat "look for the car" changing the phrases, at that time the child will be focused and fun what gets to increase your Concentration on everything that is living, to achieve its end.In this activity we are working many parts of the child in addition to the memory, when we are small, we do not have an order when organizing, the child will search in a random way without following some logical guidelines, with the hide the child develops their system cognitive. Besides the memory the more we play with him, each time he will try to remember more where he has looked before, in order to achieve his goal, find the toy as soon as possible. This development in memory that will gradually improve, will facilitate the learning of English as a second language. Las 4. Songs in English

: They are one of the basic games when it comes to expanding the child's vocabulary. Each song that we work must have its own dance, or invent ourselves depending on what we are working on, the songs get the child to use the repetition of the song to work the memory but also to relate it to the dance, the memorization will be stronger and permanent.

5. Mathematical games: They are essential when we are working on the memory of the child, and we can find them for children from 2 years of age. The game they like most is a simple bingo with numbers in English.