10 Warning signs in newborn babies

According to the World Health Organization - WHO - almost 45 percent of children under the age of five who die every year are newborn infants, that is, babies less than 28 days old or in the neonatal period; Three out of every four baby deaths occur in the first week of life and many of these deaths

According to the World Health Organization - WHO - almost 45 percent of children under the age of five who die every year are newborn infants, that is, babies less than 28 days old or in the neonatal period; Three out of every four baby deaths occur in the first week of life and many of these deaths can be avoided with preventive measures in childbirth and the first week of life.

Signs of danger in newborns

If you have a newborn at home it is convenient that you observe it to determine if it has a symptom of the ones that we list and in case you have to take it to your nearest emergency service.

1. Abnormal skin color

- Bluish skin. When you see a bluish color inside or around the mouth, the tongue, in the hands and feet, may be cyanosis.

- Yellow skin. Jaundice in the first days of the baby is common but if the coloring is very strong and occurs in the first 24 hours of the baby's life with very dark urine and white bowel movements, it should be checked.

- Very pale or gray skincould indicate that the baby is very cold or has some disease.

2. Baby temperature

- Fever: If your baby's temperature is higher than 38 degrees, you have a fever. Take the temperature as in Guiainfantil.com we have indicated.

- Hypothermia: If the baby's skin is very cold below 35 degrees.

3. Frequent vomiting

- Regurgitation different to the normal of babies very violent and constant, you must go to the emergency room for review to determine the cause.

- Avoid dehydration. It is important to go immediately to the pediatrician if the baby vomits a lot, to avoid dehydration. La 4. The texture and color of bowel movements

If it is watery it is

diarrhea and if there is presence of mucus or blood, it can be dehydration. If you do not have bowel movements on a regular basis and it hurts, it may be constipation or another condition. 5. Baby has difficulty breathing

Symptoms of this difficulty are a high breathing rate, 60 breaths per minute or breathless pauses of more than 20 seconds, bluish skin, noises when breathing and whining.

6. Changes in behavior

- Frequent crying:

If the baby is irritable, cries uncontrollably even after feeding, bathing, changing, etc., it is best to talk with the doctor. - Baby very sleepy,

weakif you cry weakly, if you do not wake up to feed, if you do not have muscle tone and move less than normal you should consult 7. Seizures

Seizures are involuntary movements of the body, sudden, generally lost look and tremors. The attention must be immediate.

8. Infected umbilical cord

If you have inflammation of the skin around the umbilical cord or redness, pus or blood that comes out of there, stink or bad smell and you should consult

9. Baby does not eat or eats little

Has difficulty or lack of force in the suction of milk, intolerance and rejection of food.

10. Baby does not urinate or urinates very little

Babies usually urinate 5 times a day or more.