
How can you tell if your child needs glasses? In we give you twelve clues to discover it: How to know if your child needs glasses 1- The school teacher suggested it to you. It's a classic. Many times educators are the first to notice the issue, especially if the child is located in

How can you tell if your child needs glasses? In we give you twelve clues to discover it: How to know if your child needs glasses

1- The school teacher suggested it to you.

It's a classic. Many times educators are the first to notice the issue, especially if the child is located in the last rows of class. From there, openly, he recognizes that he "sees blurry." 2 - Prefer to sit in the front rows.

The natural shyness of almost all children towards their teacher causes them to avoid the first rows. If they prefer to sit in front, they may not see well. 3 - It is very close to paper.

They do it to focus more easily. 4 - Blinking or winking excessively.

This fact is non-specific, and we can also find it in other processes, such as tics. 5 - Sign of the "half-closed eyes".

The half-closed eyes show that the eyes are being forced. 6 - It gets dizzy while reading.

It is also due to the effort of visual accommodation. 7- Itching of eyes.

These children tend to rub their eyes, especially at the end of the day, or during school hours. 8 - He repeatedly complains of a headache

on leaving school. 9 - Eye redness

. If there is an effort involved, the blood supply to the eyes increases. Hence we can appreciate the capillaries of the white area of ​​the eye (conjunctiva) laden with blood.10 - Loses the thread of reading al, by skipping letters, words or phrases. It can also happen to you when writing. On occasion, this fact is mistakenly attributed to an attention deficit disorder.

11 - Change in game preferences.Some children with visual problems stop playing football, because they see the ball badly; others, on the contrary, go from being inveterate readers to showing great interest in outdoor games (what happens to them is that they see badly, and books start to bother them).

12 - Tilt your head to the side when reading and writing. This fact appears when there is a clear difference in visual acuity between both eyes.

If several of these "clues of suspicion" occur in your child, you should go to your pediatrician. He can confirm if you are right.