How to introduce your child to hiking

If yours are the routes through nature, walk the mountain and go to collect mushrooms in the fall, you do not have to give it up because you have just become a father; You'll just have to change the way you do things. Surely you can live a totally different and equally beautiful experience. Now you

If yours are the routes through nature, walk the mountain and go to collect mushrooms in the fall, you do not have to give it up because you have just become a father; You'll just have to change the way you do things. Surely you can live a totally different and equally beautiful experience. Now you can rediscover the mountain through the eyes of your son.

In we give you some tips to introduce your child in the beautiful world of hiking.

Tips for introducing children to hiking

1- At the beginning, use a backpack: If you are a baby, use an ergonomic backpack and take small walks. Later you can move to the baby carrier, even if you do not have great ambitions regarding the route, the important thing is that the child has a good time and finds the experience as something positive. If you see that he starts to cry, make stops for him to play. Ten 2- Be patient:

The child may get tired at first and may not want to walk more than a few meters. Be patient, the important thing is that you learn to enjoy the journey. Now everything is a discovery and you will love to see bugs, dig holes in the ground, or look at the flowers. Look through their eyes, it is one of the most rewarding experiences you will experience with them. 3.- Prepare the route in advance:

Adapt it to your age and see if you can have something that might interest you; For example, go to pick berries, chestnuts, go see a waterfall or bathe in a pool, that will motivate you to keep walking. 4- Be positive:

Although they have more resistance than us, many times the road bores them, so you must resort to your imagination to entertain them. Try to transmit positivity constantly, do not give up, or scold them or that will turn the experience into a negative one. Use your repertoire of stories, or make them up on the fly, songs, stories ... and bring some cookies or treats to entertain them along the way. 5- Teach them nature

: If you know something about birds or plants, show them. Children have a natural curiosity and will want to know many things about the way.6- Let them make decisions

: Let them take the reins at times and get involved on the road. Give them the map and teach them how to guide themselves through the landmarks. Let them choose the path from time to time, and even lose them, and then teach them how to find the right path again.7.- Give an example:

Children copy everything, so you must convey the importance of respecting nature. Do not leave the trails, do not throw garbage in the field or start flowers. One important thing is that you should not throw garbage into the field even if it is organic (the typical orange peel or an apple), think that after you go many hikers who will do the same, and the field can not degrade so much waste in such a short time , so I guess the next time you stop to rest, you would not want to sit on the remains of the previous hiker. 8- Do not hurry, take your rhythm:

The important thing is the path itself, not reach the end Like life itself! 9- Do not improvise:

Load your backpack with water to spare, a first aid kit, food for the road, carry the mobile phone loaded, and study the route well. You are responsible for everything to go well. 10- Participate in your games and live the experience as a child: Leave the seriousness for the office.