Epidural anesthesia in childbirth

Epidural anesthesia has been one of the great advances in reducing pain during childbirth. It is an anesthesia applied only to the lower half of the body that allows relieving more intense contractions but maintaining consciousness. However, not all are advantages in the use of epidural anesthesia .

Epidural anesthesia has been one of the great advances in reducing pain during childbirth. It is an anesthesia applied only to the lower half of the body that allows relieving more intense contractions but maintaining consciousness.

However, not all are advantages in the use of epidural anesthesia. There are some risks and contraindications that should be known to make sure it is the most convenient option.

Advice on the use of epidural anesthesia in childbirth

We invite you to know all the data on epidural anesthesia, its pros and cons, to make the choice that offers more security and confidence in a moment as important as delivery.

9 questions about the epidural. Questions and answers about the epidural in Guiainfantil.com. 90 percent of pregnant moms have doubts about epidural anesthesia and in most cases these come from the lack of information

Contraindications of the epidural. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what are the contraindications of the epidural. Epidural anesthesia is a relatively safe technique, and used by most women in their deliveries, however there are some situations that contraindicate the puncture and the administration of this type of analgesia.

How the epidural is applied. The application of epidural anesthesia usually takes a few minutes. It is a technique that in principle is not complicated, but it is something delicate and should be administered to the pregnant woman by an anesthetist.

Tattoos and epidural. A few years ago a great controversy was created about whether it was possible or not to opt for an epidural analgesia if you had a tattoo in the lower back. Even today, in childbirth classes, it is a question that is not missing: If I have a tattoo on my lower back, can I have an epidural? In Guiainfantil.com we tell you

Give birth without epidural. The moment of childbirth is something that has taken the sleep of thousands of pregnant women of all times. The stories of other moms and the uncertainty before the unknown makes this day disturbing.

Risks of the epidural. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what are the risks of the epidural. Epidural anesthesia is not a technique free of risks or complications, as we must not forget that it involves the insertion of a needle and catheter in the epidural space and can cause undesirable effects.

Epidural walking. The 'epidural walking', also known as ambulatory epidural, is a method used to feel the birth without experiencing pain. It allows to move and walk during the period of dilation, since it does not leave the body asleep from the waist down. It is about living a meaningful and painless delivery.

Advantages and disadvantages. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what are the advantages and disadvantages of the epidural. Although epidural is not the only medication that can help a woman control pain and tension during labor, it is still the drug most used by women.