Medications to prevent nausea in pregnancy

In a large number of women, pregnancy arrives with nausea and vomiting as a letter of introduction. Although the nausea does not pose any danger to the health of the mother or the baby and usually disappear at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, it is a discomfort that can affect the daily

In a large number of women, pregnancy arrives with nausea and vomiting as a letter of introduction. Although the nausea does not pose any danger to the health of the mother or the baby and usually disappear at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, it is a discomfort that can affect the daily life of the pregnant woman. To avoid nausea, there are some natural tricks, but also medications.

Medications for nausea in pregnancy

Always under medical supervision, you can take any of the medications to prevent nausea in pregnancy if you see that these discomforts prevent you from carrying out your activities normally. Among the medications most recommended for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy are Vitamin B6, some antihistamines and other more specific drugs to treat nausea, dizziness and vomiting that are sold in pharmacies.

Although the most recommended medicine in recent times to combat nausea of ​​pregnancy is metoclopramide. A drug whose safety and effectiveness is supported by an infinity of investigations, although that does not avoid the fear of many women to take this type of drugs.

And that is still in memory the sad scandal of Thalidomine, which in the early 60s, was positioned as a safe drug for pregnant women until a few years later it was discovered its relationship with numerous malformations in babies of all the world.

How to treat nausea in pregnancy without risk

It is quite understandable fear any pregnant woman when taking any medication, as it can affect the development of the baby. That is why it is so important not to take any drug without first consulting the doctor. Either way, there are also some tricks to combat nausea in pregnancy that are not dangerous.

Among the recommendations for cases of nausea in pregnancy are eating little but many times a day, drink plenty of water, write down food or situations that trigger nausea, avoid sudden movements and practice de relaxation exercises . Keep in mind at all times that nausea will pass and try to avoid nerves as much as possible.Laura Velez

. Editor of Children's Guide