
Can not keep the attention for a long time? , Do you often tell him he's in the clouds? It is very common for children to disperse and not be attentive to the tasks they must perform. This can be a problem for the children at school because they will lose their teachers' explanation and their learni

Can not keep the attention for a long time? , Do you often tell him he's in the clouds? It is very common for children to disperse and not be attentive to the tasks they must perform.This can be a problem for the children at school because they will lose their teachers' explanation and their learning will be slower and at home they will also cause inconveniences, since parents will scold them more if they do not do the tasks that we entrust them. In we give you some tips to encourage the concentration and attention of your children that are very simple to put into practice and give good results. 7 tips to help children focus

1- Define your goals on a regular basis:

remind your children of their tasks and obligations. Until these goals are set and children do not forget what to do, you can make lists of goals and leave them written. Dete 2- Detect your moments of more concentration : if you think that your child is usually more concentrated in the morning, try to be in that time when you perform the tasks that require more attention, leaving for later the less heavy.

3- Respect your breaks:experts say that the human brain can not maintain attention for a sustained long period of time, so that after 15 minutes the attention decreases. In order to recover attention, it is important to take brief breaks that allow the children to return to the task when they are fresher.

4- Avoid any distraction: If you have to do homework, do not leave the television on in the background, or a mobile phone on your table or toys around you. You must work in an environment that is as aseptic as possible and free of elements that distract you.

5- Balanced diet: Eating a good diet is basic to face the day with energy but there are also foods that enhance the ability to concentrate, especially those that are rich in phosphorus, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium or other minerals that help to control stress and encourage attention.

6- Make sure you get the necessary sleep: when we sleep poorly and have a hard time surrendering the next day, the same thing happens to the children, therefore it is convenient to establish a good sleep routine so that the brain and the body rest. Mot 7- Motivate and encourage him:

we do not have to promise to give him a gift, but we can give small prizes like an afternoon at the cinema or a family outing to the amusement park if he has managed to be attentive to his tasks and has Done correctly. Also, it is very important that we motivate them positively instead of scolding them. They work improving phrases like "you can do it", "I trust you" or "I'm sure you'll achieve it".