Doubts about tattoos in pregnancy and childbirth

There are many women who decide to get a tattoo throughout their lives. A drawing, a phrase or a memory can remain forever on the skin thanks to the ink. However, when considering forming a family, fears emerge when you have a permanent drawing on the dermis. Can you put an epidural on me? Will it a

There are many women who decide to get a tattoo throughout their lives. A drawing, a phrase or a memory can remain forever on the skin thanks to the ink. However, when considering forming a family, fears emerge when you have a permanent drawing on the dermis. Can you put an epidural on me? Will it affect the baby in any way? Will the drawing be deformed after delivery if I have it in a sensitive area? In we find the answer to the most common doubts about tattoos and pregnancy .Doubts and answers about tattoos in pregnancy and postpartum


Can I have an epidural if I have a tattoo? Many tattooed mothers who have an ink-etched drawing on the lower

part of their back wonder if this aesthetic ornament incompa will be incompatible with the epidural at birth . Although for many years it was thought that it was not possible to request an epidural if the mother had a tattoo on the lower back, there is really no reliable proof that it is impossible. The gynecological evidence makes it clear that it is possible to carry out the puncture of the epidural because it reaches up to two millimeters inside the skin, something that does not cover all the tattoos, so in almost all cases you would find a key point to put it if the pregnant woman requires it. -Can I get a tattoo while pregnant?

Many future moms wonder if it is advisable or not to get a tattoo when they are already expecting a baby. Although it should not be harmful if carried out in a center where the needles are perfectly disinfected and there is no possibility of contracting any type of hygienic problem. However, it is recommended to wait until the child is born to make a tattoo to avoid risks.-

Will the tattoo change after giving birth?

Tattoos on the ribs, lower back

or on the abdomen itself worry future moms, since the obvious abdominal distension could be affected. Not all tattoos have to be ruined, but it is true that by the logical growth of the belly, a tattoo right in that area could look slightly larger or stretched. However, if you are working with postpartum recovery and, above all, if you were in good physical shape before becoming pregnant, this drawing should not change. - Does the baby have a tattoo? A tattoo on the skin does not affect the baby in any way. The ink on the skin is not harmful to the dermis, but it is true that special care must be taken with the skin throughout the pregnancy. The

hormonal changes are so pronounced that it is advisable to deeply hydrate every day all the areas of the body with

specific creams for this stage. It is also important to protect the dermis from sunlight radiation or eat as healthy as possible and drink plenty of fluids to keep it in the best possible shape. In this way, the skin in general and passing tattoos will remain as they were before pregnancy.