Low back pain in pregnancy

Low back pain refers to the intense pain that is triggered in the lower back . It arises from rheumatic or traumatic problems. Excessive overexertion, poor posture, a strong contracture, a problem in the vertebrae, a disc pathology or even osteoporosis, can be sufficient reason to trigger pain durin

Low back pain refers to the intense pain that is triggered in the lower back . It arises from rheumatic or traumatic problems. Excessive overexertion, poor posture, a strong contracture, a problem in the vertebrae, a disc pathology or even osteoporosis, can be sufficient reason to trigger pain during pregnancy.When this happens, the musculature, ligaments and adjacent structures are involved causing pain, both at rest and in movement.

How low back pain is treated during pregnancy

The lower back together with the cervicals are the most vulnerable segments of the spine

due to their mobility, since they can perform movements in all directions being the most mobile areas of the body, the weakest with time. And in the case of the lumbar, it is necessary to add that it is the area that supports more weight. During pregnancy, women are more likely to suffer from it el because the increase of the abdomen causes the loss of the natural band that protects them. The lumbar musculature is more contracturada to bear the weight of the uterus and the ligaments of the column more requested by the displacement of the axis of gravity. Low back pain obeys different treatments.During pregnancy it is advisable to avoid pharmacological treatments

such as anti-inflammatories, analgesics and muscle relaxants, since medications should not be taken without being prescribed by the doctor, since most of them can cross the placental barrier and reach the fetus in full development. On the other hand, manual therapy such as physiotherapy, osteopathy

, manipulations or massages are especially indicated to relieve back pain during pregnancy, since this type of therapy is harmless for the baby. Other treatments based on thermotherapy and electrotherapysuch as infrared or transcutaneous nerve stimulation, better known as T.E.N.S, and last but not least, acupuncture also offer excellent results. In the case of pregnancies, the administration of drugs and electrotherapy are contraindicated, with few exceptions. And to round out the treatment, it would be very beneficial for future moms to be taught to stretch, to maintain good postural and ergonomic hygiene, so that the treatment for low back pain is effective. Tips to prevent low back pain in pregnancy It is important

to have strong and resistant legs that support the weight of the body and the baby

, thus reducing the pressure on the lumbar. Squats resting your back on the wall, walking or swimming are good exercises that can help us achieve this goal. It is also convenient to help with a scarf like a sash or a pregnancy girdle so that it does not weigh the gut so much and do not pull the lumbar vertebrae forward. Another tip to keep low back pain at bay is to apply dry heat with an electric blanket in the area 10 minutes when the minimum tension is felt. The heat will help prevent this tension from accumulating and cause a lumbar contracture over time. Performing moderate and controlled exercises by specialists that combine toning, postural hygiene and stretching, such as yoga, tai-chi or Pilates will help keep your back strong and well toned. It is also important the ergonomics in the day to day, that is to say, how we sit, how we get up, how we transport the weight of the bags or in what position we sleep. It is essential to spend a lot of time in the same position and use cushions or cushions to try to be comfortable.What to do when your back hurts during pregnancy

Use heat, stretching, massage and moderate rest. It's important

remove tension from the lower extremities

, and for this I recommend stretching hamstrings, abductors and adductors. Gentle tilting of the pelvis and stretching of the lumbar area will be performed. An example of stretching is the one known as cat stretch. It is performed in quadruped position, rounding the back in inhalation and arching it in a moderate way in exhalation. It is advisable that although the pain is in the lower back, global stretches are also carried out, of the whole body so that the relief will be more effective and lasting. If the pain does not diminish, it is always advisable to go to your doctor.Marián Zamora Saborit

Physiotherapist. Pilates Technician

Psychomotorist in Early Childhood Education