Santa Beatriz Day, November 6. Names for girls

Beatriz is a name for girl of Latin origin that means 'the one that makes you happy'. It is thus a sound name and of great beauty of meaning that can be perfect for your daughter. Beatriz has been a frequent name for decades, but she has not lost any freshness or sophistication. Celebrate his name d

Beatriz is a name for girl of Latin origin that means 'the one that makes you happy'. It is thus a sound name and of great beauty of meaning that can be perfect for your daughter.

Beatriz has been a frequent name for decades, but she has not lost any freshness or sophistication. Celebrate his name day on November 6, which is the day of Saint Beatrix.

Curiosities about the name Beatriz

Because of the meaning of her name, Beatriz has an overwhelming personality, full of charm and ingenuity that is hard to resist. His triumph in social relationships is based on his cheerful and dynamic character. In addition, Beatriz is a constant and committed person who does not hesitate to acquire responsibilities.

The name Beatriz is known throughout the world with few variations thanks to the Latin tradition. We find the Italian variant Beatrice and its diminutives Bea or Bice, both with great romantic and sensitive connotations. Because of its forceful and sophisticated sound and its meaning, Beatriz is the name your little girl is waiting for.

It may help you to choose the name of your baby to know the literary relationships that can be made by Beatriz. Beatriz or Bice was a Florentine lady who went down in history as the platonic or idealized love of Dante in his 'Divine Comedy'.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of November, consult our calendar of names of Saints in November. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Editor of