
Is a fantastic literary work that provides many useful messages for children. Written in 1979 by the German Michael Ende , it is a book where fantasy and imagination do not understand limits. An argument to the importance of encouraging imagination in children and an authentic masterpiece of childre

is a fantastic literary work that provides many useful messages for children. Written in 1979 by the German Michael Ende , it is a book where fantasy and imagination do not understand limits.An argument to the importance of

encouraging imagination in children and an authentic masterpiece of children's literature. has chosen the 10 most famous phrases in the book. Frases 10 phrases from The Endless Story for children The Endless Story

tells us about fantasy, about curiosity as an engine of learning, of courage ... The protagonist is

a child who challenges the limits to discover a fantasy world full of challenges and great discoveries . You will live an adventure full of dangers where you will have to show your courage. Here are some of the most famous phrases of this work: 1. 'In the world of fantasy, each part belongs to the world of dreams and hope of humanity. Therefore,there are no limits to fantasy

'. 2. 'I would like to know what really happens in a book when it is closed ... Something must happen, because when I open it,an eternal story suddenly appears

'. 3. 'Every story is an endless story'.4. '

Human passions are a mystery

. There are people who spend their lives climbing mountains without being able to explain why. '5. '- How can I discover my true will?- Following the path of desires, from one to another until the last ...

- It does not seem very difficult ...

- It is the most dangerous of all roads.

6. What do you see in a mirror that looks in another mirror? '7.'

The hopeless human is easy to control, aquel and the one in control will have the power '.

8. Why does fantasy die?

Because humans are losing their hopes and forgetting their dreams... ' 9.' Without realizing it, they had shaken hands and listened in silence. Each of the two knew that the other felt the same as him:

the joy of having found a friend '.10. 'I did not want to be the biggest, the strongest or the smartest anymore. All that had overcome him.

He wanted to be loved as he was , good or bad, beautiful or ugly, clever or stupid, with all his faults ... or precisely because of them '.