Skin cancer in children: how to recognize melanoma

Skin cancer is rare in children, however no one is safe from skin cancer because our dermis has memory. This means that all skin lesions, in the form of sunburn, accumulate in the skin reducing the solar capital with which we are born. The latest studies on the ind melanoma ind or skin cancer indi-

Skin cancer is rare in children, however no one is safe from skin cancer because our dermis has memory. This means that all skin lesions, in the form of sunburn, accumulate in the skin reducing the solar capital with which we are born. The latest studies on the ind melanoma ind or skin cancer indi- cation indicate that having suffered more than three sunburns in the same area increase the risk of skin cancer.

Skin cancer and children The feared melanoma or skin cancer is more common in fair-skinned people, especially those with blond or red hair and light eyes. Risk factors that may predispose to skin cancer include a history of melanoma in the family, time to sun exposure (unprotected sun exposure directly affects the risk of skin cancer), sunburn in early childhood (studies have shown that sunburns that occur early in a person's life increase the risk of skin cancer years later), have many freckles or many common moles (more than 50), and possess dysplastic moles (Atypical moles), which are unusual benign moles that may resemble melanoma. People who have them are at higher risk of having single or multiple melanomas. Moles, spots and freckles of children

In fact, the most frequent pigmented lesions in young children are moles. During childhood, moles gradually appear, more often at the level of the trunk. It is believed that there is a very important influence of the sun on the development of moles or nevi in ​​both children and adults. But what should we observe in a mole or in a spot of the skin to see if it has anomalous characteristics, that make us suspect that it may be a melanoma or skin cancer? In children, in general, all moles will be benign, but to make sure we have the rule of A, B, C, D and E. Based on the following signs, parents can know if the child's mole or moles require medical care. Remember that early detection is fundamental to treat skin cancer in time and prevent it from causing death.

The rule of ABCD and E of moles of children

To be able to rule out a possible skin cancer when observing a pigmented lesion or a mole on the skin, it is necessary to carefully observe a series of characteristics that will determine the normality or abnormality to melanoma and that we can study by remembering the first letters of the alphabet.

A, of asymmetry.

Moles are pigmented spots on the skin that generally have a rounded shape. Observing any sign of asymmetry can raise suspicions.

B, with irregular edges.

The benign moon or nevus has rounded edges, while those that can be carcinogenic have angled edges, which extend more through one area than another.C, colored.

Color heterogeneity can be an alert symbol. A uniform color indicates normality. D, in diameter.

A diameter greater than 0.5 cm may be suspicious. It is necessary to look at that mole with more attention because there may be skin cancer underneath it. E, elevation.

The elevation of the nebus or moles is usually a sign of normality, except when there is a small relief that is palpated and not only seen. Any of these signs should make us consult with the dermatologist. They are not by themselves irrefutable signs of malignancy, but they are a symbol of alarm that should put us on alert.

How to perform the skin self-examination Findings of suspicious moles or skin cancer in the early stages are the key to the successful treatment of skin cancer. A skin self-examination is usually the first step in the detection of skin cancer. The American Cancer Society suggests the following methods of self-examination:

1. Examine the front and back of your body, then the right and left sides with your arms raised.

2. Bend your elbows and look carefully at your forearms, the back and top of your arms and the palm of your hands.

3. Look at the back of the legs and feet, the spaces between the toes and the soles of the feet.

4. Examine the back of the neck and scalp with a hand mirror.
5. Examine the back and buttocks with a hand mirror.
6. Familiarize yourself with your skin and with the pattern of moles, freckles and other marks.
7. Be alert to changes in the number, size, shape and color of pigmented areas.
8. Follow ABCD chart when examining moles from other pigmented areas and consult your doctor promptly if you notice any changes.
Marisol Nuevo.
Consulted sources:
American Cancer Society

Skin Cancer Foundation