7 Ways in which child jealousy manifests

Jealousy arises when children believe they are not loved enough or reciprocated in their emotions. There are many reasons why one person may be jealous of another, but in childhood, they tend to be focused on the brother. Older brothers feel jealous of the little ones and vice versa. Jealousy can ma

Jealousy arises when children believe they are not loved enough or reciprocated in their emotions. There are many reasons why one person may be jealous of another, but in childhood, they tend to be focused on the brother.

Older brothers feel jealous of the little ones and vice versa. Jealousy can manifest itself in many ways, some very obvious, and others are more hidden and can go unnoticed if we do not pay enough attention. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you how children express jealousy.

In what ways do children express jealousy

1- Aggressiveness: they may bite, hit or pinch their siblings or friends who are jealous. They generate resentment towards the child they attack in different ways.

2- Behavior change: they are more stubborn and disobedient. They have a more challenging attitude towards parents in opposition to their norms. They tend to have a more negative behavior.

3- Backward: they can pee or poop again. Despite having achieved milestones such as toilet training, sleeping without a pacifier or going to school without crying, they can show a regression in their behavior.

4- Unjustified mood swings: may be more angry than usual or throw a tantrum for something that does not matter. Likewise, they show more weeping for no apparent reason.

5- Infantile attitude: they can re-use more typical expressions of babies, use a more childish language and even perform some more immature behaviors like sucking their thumbs.

6- Alterations with sleep: if they used to sleep alone without problems, they can ask to sleep with their parents, they even wake up more often and have a hard time going to bed.

7- Lack of appetite: their eating habits can be altered, children who eat well become inappetent or begin to refuse dishes they once had as favorites. They even encourage parents to give them food.