Stages of labor: the expulsive

Dilation is the longest phase of labor. In women who are going to give birth to their first child can last several days and during this stage contractions will gain intensity and frequency. When the dilation has reached the maximum and is in the transition phase, that is, you have already dilated 10

Dilation is the longest phase of labor. In women who are going to give birth to their first child can last several days and during this stage contractions will gain intensity and frequency. When the dilation has reached the maximum and is in the transition phase, that is, you have already dilated 10 centimeters, it is time for you to prepare for the bids and the birth of your baby .Ejection phase in childbirth

The duration of the expulsive, as well as the duration of dilation, depends on each woman. It can last a few minutes or even more than an hour. Women who are given epidural anesthesia take longer to expel because they feel less or do not notice contractions and, by extension, do not perceive how strongly they are pushed.

Your labor in this stage of delivery, the expulsive, will push as hard as you can with each contraction. If you do not feel the urge to push due to the epidural, the midwife will tell you when the time has come for the bids.

During the pujos it is important that you do not accumulate tension in the face or in the neck, you will have to push with the abdomen and towards the genitals as strong as you can. Some women have an episiotomy, it is a cut in the perineum to encourage the baby's exit and prevent a tear.

The staff will give you encouragement and will indicate when you see the baby's headso you can renew your strength and push as hard as you can. When the head of the baby finally comes out, the midwife or gynecologist who attends your delivery will clear the airways and check that the umbilical cord is free. You will have to keep pushing to remove the shoulders and the rest of the body will leave without problems.

At the end of this stage of delivery, the expulsive, the midwife or gynecologist will place your baby on your body so you can see and touch him while cutting the umbilical cord. Then they will take it for a few moments to perform the Apgar test, it is the first test of the baby and is based on checking the state of health and response to stimuli of the newborn. Then, you will eliminate the excess of fat and remains that you can have on your body, they will dress you and place you next to you on the stretcher so that you can begin when you breastfeed before opting to breastfeed your baby.

While the nurses or the midwife are with your baby, you still have one last job left: expulsion of the placenta or delivery.