The bites of children to debate

The conflict between infants and young children in the nursery school gives a new twist as to the limits that should be marked in child behavior. Thus, the management of a day-care center in Alicante, Spain, decided to deny entry to the center to a 15-month-old baby for repeatedly biting his classma

The conflict between infants and young children in the nursery school gives a new twist as to the limits that should be marked in child behavior. Thus, the management of a day-care center in Alicante, Spain, decided to deny entry to the center to a 15-month-old baby for repeatedly biting his classmates.The

bites of children are today the cornerstone of the debate between those who approve and disapprove this decision. Apparently it was only proposed as a precautionary measure for the child to change his behavior. And the fact is that the bite is very painful for the one who receives it and causes social conflicts, since children, when they suffer repeated aggressions, tend to marginalize the child who bites. But, why do they do it? Reasons why a child bites

Biting is a quick way to get a toy or to get attention. The bite is also used by extension

as self-defense ,to attract attention or when they experience situations that cause them stress, anger or frustration debido, due to the birth of a sibling or when they feel assaulted. Other children bite, simply, by imitation or as a result of excessive disciplineor as a result of their experience as a witness or victim of acts of physical violence. What to do when a child bites First of all,

we must act in a coordinated and coherent way from different fronts

. Parents and educators must show firmness to the bites of the child because it is worth nothing to consent at home something that is not allowed in school. Then, conv explain to the child that you can not hurt yourself and if your attitude persists, you should separate yourself from the group and the game by explaining that you can not do it anymore. Must be separated a few minutes, 2 to 5 minutes depending on your age, allowing you to think about what you have done and giving you the opportunity to apologize to your partner to recognize your error.However, telling a child that biting is not good is not enough. It is important to show other alternatives to the bite to get what you want such as the use of language, lose things please, instill the values ​​of respect and tolerance and pay special attention to them to develop a good self-esteem and personal confidence. Instead, what should never be done is bite the child who bites to show what hurts or as a form of punishment, because when children are very small, they can not relate the pain they feel when they bite with the pain that They cause when they bite others. If the child continues biting when he is more than three years old, it is necessary to seek the help of a professional. Marisol Nuevo.