
Bilingual education of children is increasingly important for parents. There are different strategies to get involved as parents in the bilingual education of children, which can be summarized in 6 essential tips for children to grow bilingual . All of them are part of the system we follow to organi

bilingual education of children is increasingly important for parents. There are different strategies to get involved as parents in the bilingual education of children, which can be summarized in 6 essential tips for children to grow bilingual . All of them are part of the system we follow to organize the bilingual education of our children, which is based on bilingual activities and methods that should not only be followed at school, but also at home.Bilingual children: 6 educational strategies for children

1. The moment.

One of the most important data when we talk about bilingual education is the age of the children. It is proven that the sooner we start with our strategy, the better results we will get. In addition, teaching a second language to children when they are young will be much easier. They acquire both languages ​​in a natural way.2. The strategy.

It is important to be involved with bilingual education. It is not enough for us to organize ourselves and create an action strategy. If one of the parents is able to speak English in a natural way (even if he does not speak perfect English) we will decide how long to speak in English, or if it is all the time. If we do not want to always speak to the child in English, we can divide the time by areas or activities, (for example when we are in the classroom I speak in English and outside in Spanish). Children should have their routines because in addition to coming well, it helps them to better assimilate knowledge. If we do not have the possibility of speaking to you in English, we should study the possibilities offered by our city, day care centers, workshops, kangaroos ... Escuchar 3. Listen.The child must be immersed in English for a large part of his / her time, always exceeding 25 percent of the time spent awake. Within this time it is not included that you are listening to songs in English, because if they are not enhanced they will not have any results.

4. The gesticulation.Young children learn to speak and understand through the relationship. If they listen to a word and do not relate it to anything, they will never know what it is. That is why gesticulation is so important when it comes to bilingual education. We should facilitate teaching as much as possible, so that the child is able to relate the words we are saying with their meanings, as well as when we say

waterwe must indicate water, or if we say car we can also act as we drive. This is the reason why children do not learn a language only by listening to music, since they do not have anything to relate it to, we must rely on dances and gestures so that the children associate the meanings of the words. 4. Repetition.

Children love to repeat what they like, in fact the recognition of something already lived is a great satisfaction for children. We must repeat in all aspects, when we say a phrase we can repeat the keyword several times while doing one gesture at a time, this helps the child a lot to remember it.

5. Intelligence bits or educational cards.It is a system that has been used in the world for more than 50 years for learning in children in all senses from mathematics to languages. It is based on a series of cards with drawings. For languages ​​what we do with them is to reinforce the vocabulary in the child, through the relationship and repetition that we used to talk about before. It is also an activity that children love.

6. Playful. It is scientifically proven that human beings, whether babies or adults, find it much easier to learn while performing an activity that is fun and entertaining as the game. This has many logical explanations among them that when we are doing something that interests and entertains us, our brain is used and focuses more on the activity without having hardly any distractions.