37 Weeks of pregnancy

The pregnancy week by week has entered its final stretch. From week 37 of pregnancy to week 40 of pregnancy, labor is considered full term, so that if you went into labor and your baby decided to be born after week 37 of gestation he would no longer be considered a premature baby . This means that t

The pregnancy week by week has entered its final stretch. From week 37 of pregnancy to week 40 of pregnancy, labor is considered full term, so that if you went into labor and your baby decided to be born after week 37 of gestation he would no longer be considered a premature baby . This means that the baby is fully trained and prepared to survive outside the womb without the need for an incubator. However, these last weeks of pregnancy are important to complete the growth and development of the baby.

Changes in the body of the pregnant woman

During week 37 of pregnancy, it is possible that for the first time a small spot or strands of blood appear in the panty, which is called 'cervical bleeding'. You should not be alarmed, since it occurs when the cervix begins to dilate due to the onset of contractions.

In general, it appears after a tactile exploration by the gynecologist or the midwife and the spotting is usually scarce. In the event that the bleeding is abundant, similar or greater than a rule, immediately go to the Emergency.

At this stage, due also to the onset of cervical dilation, expulsion of the mucous plug, which is a transparent mucous secretion that is usually accompanied by small strands of blood, may occur. The fact of expelling the mucous plug does not indicate that the delivery will be triggered immediately. It may still take several days.

The fatigue produced by the compression of the lungs due to the space occupied by the uterus, together with the fatigue of this stage, will increase the need to rest. It is convenient to do it at times throughout the day, since in the last weeks it is difficult to accommodate a posture to conciliate the nocturnal sleep, which is also interrupted several times to visit the bathroom.

Development and growth of the baby in pregnancy

In week 37 of pregnancy the baby weighs 2,900 grams and measures 47 cm. The baby's head may already be embedded in the birth canal between the bones of the pelvis. When the "cephalic presentation" has not yet occurred this week, as can be seen by ultrasound, unless the baby turns around in the next few days, it may be necessary to have a cesarean section. Only 3 percent of babies insert the buttocks or feet into the birth canal, instead of the head. The "breech presentation" (standing) or the "breech presentation" are, generally, cause of cesarean section, since at this point of pregnancy it is very difficult for the fetus placed breech to turn around due to lack of space .

Your baby's organs and systems are prepared to perform their functions independently. The lanugo (thin layer of hair that covers its skin) disappears almost completely. The cheesy vermix, a layer of fat with protective function on the skin, is reabsorbed, remaining only in the folds of arms and legs. The baby responds to the light, because it is able to turn its head towards the glow.

Health and emotions during pregnancy

You will know the result of the vaginal culture, which will indicate if you are a carrier or not of the germStreptococcus Agalactiae que, which is part of the vaginal flora of many women without causing any type of symptom or sign (itching, stinging or increased flow). But if the baby comes in contact with theStreptococcus Agalactiaewhen crossing the birth canal it could suffer a sepsis (generalized infection) or a meningitis. Remember that if you go into labor you must go to the maternity clinic with your pregnancy history so that the staff that attends you have all the information about your pregnancy.If you have contractions, you will have a cervical scan to see the characteristics of the uterine cervix and its degree of dilation. This scan also helps the gynecologist to do a pelvic exam and evaluate the characteristics of the birth canal.

One of the most common signs is the descent of the uterine height, due to the mating of the baby in the maternal pelvis the belly of the pregnant woman seems to have descended. As a result it is possible that the digestions are less heavy and the heartburn decreases and you feel the need to urinate more frequently due to the pressure exerted by the head of the baby on the bladder.

Diet and diet for the pregnant woman

Following a balanced diet is the maximum you have followed throughout your pregnancy, week after week. This means including a lot of fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, fiber, proteins and lots of liquid in the menu. However, with the need to eat between meals this is not always easy, especially when cravings appear.

However, several studies have shown that chopping between meals, or even making 4 or 5 small meals a day, is more beneficial than the usual 2 or 3 meals. Healthy appetizers and healthy snacks are the most indicated for pregnancy, which guarantee obtaining that extra energy that the body needs in the last weeks of pregnancy, just before delivery.

Curiosities of week 37 of pregnancy

They can decrease the baby's movements, since it has less space. You are in the final stretch of pregnancy and soon you will have your son in your arms. You will notice that the breasts are prepared for breastfeeding increasing their volume, while the nipples and areolas have darkened and are more sensitive, and their sensitivity increases.

As of week 37 of pregnancy, it is important to be aware of a series of signs and symptoms called prodrome of childbirth that are characterized by:

A decrease in the abdomen because the baby's head fits into the pelvis. La - The appearance of spaced, non-regular and slightly painful contractions that normally subside with rest. Its function is to soften the cervix.

- The softening of the cervix that favors the expulsion of the mucous plug.

- It is a gelatinous, brown or bloody substance that prevents the passage of infectious agents into the uterus.

- The loss of the mucous plug does not imply the imminent arrival of the childbirth.