Raw veganism in childhood

Raw veganism is a dietary trend consists in the exclusive intake of foods of vegetable origin that have not been cooked above, approximately, 50 ° C ya, as, according to their followers, from this temperature, the nutrients are altered. While there is evidence that man can live following a vegetaria

Raw veganism is a dietary trend consists in the exclusive intake of foods of vegetable origin that have not been cooked above, approximately, 50 ° C ya, as, according to their followers, from this temperature, the nutrients are altered.While there is evidence that

man can live following a vegetarian diet los, the findings of cooking utensils after the discovery of fire, show that man has always consumed cooked food. Perhaps our ancestors, pre-hominids, if they consumed a diet based on raw foods, and perhaps also vegan, but, in the absence of evidence, raw veganism is, at present, a diet in the process of experimentation. Advantages of the raw vegan diet in childhoodAs advantages in childhood, raw veganism presents some. For example: Sal - Except for vitamin B12,

the contribution of the rest of vitamins is usually practically assured

, although to ensure a good supply of minerals, you should eat not only fruit (frutarianismo or frugivorismo) but also vegetables, nuts and seeds . Además - In addition, el prevents the problem of obesity

, so common in today's society since childhood, and avoid junk food, sweets and pastries, in addition to sweets and other sources of empty calories. Disadvantages of the raw vegan diet in childrenHowever, the drawbacks must also be borne in mind.

- Childhood and adolescence are stages of life in which energy needs are very high, and this energy, calories, is obtained only from fats, carbohydrates and proteins, of little presence in foods of plant origin.

- Although some raw foods, such as avocados or nuts and seeds can provide significantly higher amounts of macronutrintes than those of a salad, they are still lower than those of, for example, a cooked potato or a plate of brown rice. Because of this, and given the small size of a child's stomach,

these are forced to eat many times to meet their energy needs

, sometimes more than a dozen times a day, increasing the risk of cavities, since It feeds the bacteria that cause caries (Streptococcus mutans), almost constantly. - In addition, cellulose, the major sugar in vegetables, is not digestible, since we lack cellulase, the enzyme responsible for breaking the polysaccharide, so that in the long run there may beswollen bellies and excess flatulence

when consuming it in great quantities. - Although the protein intake is not so important in adulthood, it should be noted that the contribution of a protein of high biological value is of great importance in childhood and adolescence, as well as during pregnancy and lactation, as they are essential for the formation and development of tissues.Alternatives to the raw vegan diet in childhood

Although some studies show possible benefits of raw veganism in adulthood, a healthier alternative to this type of diet, which would be beneficial in childhood and adolescence, in addition to the pregnancy and breastfeeding, could be: Una - A diet

based on raw fruits and vegetables

, in addition to other cooked

, such as potatoes, green beans and other green leafy vegetables such as spinach and Swiss chard. - Frequent consumption of legumes and whole grains

, such as rice or quinoa. - Use of nuts and seeds as an extra caloric contribution when the food is mostly vegetable.-

Artificial vitamin B12 supplementation.