Stitches in children's wounds

Children often get hurt. Most are scratches or superficial cuts en on the skin that only need local cures. On the other hand, when the cut is bigger or deeper, the edges of the skin are separated and it is necessary to give stitches to achieve the closure of the skin by approaching the two sides. Th

Children often get hurt. Most are scratches or superficial cuts en on the skin that only need local cures. On the other hand, when the cut is bigger or deeper, the edges of the skin are separated and it is necessary to give stitches to achieve the closure of the skin by approaching the two sides. The doctors use the stitches to sew both sides of the wound, making a knot in the seam and using a special thread. Depending on the yarn used, the

stitches are removed after a week or 10 days, orthey are absorbed alone.What are the stitches for?

There are different types of threads, called sutures, which are

nylon, silk and vicryl. The latter is the most recent and has the ability to dissolve in the skin, so no need to remove the stitches. This type of suture is used, especially in the cuts that affect the lips or inside the mouth. You can also close a wound using self-adhesive strips, also known as

American dots haciendo, making a butterfly-type bandage, that is, cross-shaped. It is very important not to wet them because they come off with water and keep it dry for a few days. Another way to keep the edges of a wound together is with special cement for the skin. The cement is released only after 5 to 10 days. Each of these methods is indicated for certain types of wounds and different locations, so it must always be the doctor who decides. How are stitches placed on wounds?The most important thing to keep in mind when you have to put stitches is the time interval between the time the wound has occurred and when stitches must be placed. And it is not necessary to spend more than 4 hours between one moment and another, therefore, it is important to take the child as soon as possible to the health center.

Once there,

the doctor will clean the wound well with sterile water to remove dirt and germs. Then, apply an antiseptic such as chlorhexidine, at the edges of the cut to prevent possible infections and extract from the wound any fragment or object that has been left inside.Before starting to sew, méd the doctor will sleep on the affected area

with a small injection of local anesthetic to avoid pain. Next, with a tiny needle, the doctor will sew the two ends of the cut with the suture. How are wound points taken care of? Each type of suture requires different care. In general, it is advisable not to wet the stitches in a few days because

all the suture wounds must be kept dry so that they do not become infected ni, nor to scratch or pick at the stitches no matter how much they sting. If, by accident, one of the points opens or you notice that the area becomes hot or red, you should go to the doctor immediately because the wound could have been infected. During the time that the stitches remain on the skin, the doctor may recommend a daily cure, which also serves to check the condition of the wound. In these cures, an antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine) may be applied to the suture, as directed by the doctor. The appearance of the wound should be monitored for fluid, oozing, swelling, or signs of infection. The length of time they stay depends, above all, on

the location of the wound

. The shortest sutures, that is, those that can be removed in 3 or 5 days are those of the face, neck and scalp. It is necessary to wait 7 days in the arms and hands, and up to 14 days if the wound occurred on the palms and soles of the feet, on the elbows or on the knees. When are the points removed?The mission of the suture is to keep the wound closed to help healing, and when it has been done it must be removed. It is convenient to explain to the child that

the withdrawal of the points does not hurt so that he is not afraid to return, in case the first experience was unpleasant

. It takes much less to remove the points than to put them. Each point is cut at the level of the knot, and then the piece of suture thread is pulled. Small jerks are noticed, but it does not hurt. On the other hand, if they gave you the points that are absorbed, the cement or they put you American points you do not need to remove them, since they dissolve in the skin or they come off by themselves. Afterwards, it is important that you do not get the sun directly on the scar so you do not have a mark left. To avoid this, you can put a cream with high protection factor on the scar.