Remove the baby's diaper according to the Montessori philosophy

The removal of the baby's diaper is a challenge for many parents, however, most of the children adapt without problems after a period of adaptation, as long as, for Of course the time has come and the child is ready. How to remove the diaper to babies? What methods work? There are many theories and

The removal of the baby's diaper is a challenge for many parents, however, most of the children adapt without problems after a period of adaptation, as long as, for Of course the time has come and the child is ready.

How to remove the diaper to babies? What methods work? There are many theories and tricks, but among all, in we present the one that is based on the Montessori philosophy.

7 Montessori tips for removing diapers from children

Maria Montessori's philosophy is based mainly on achieving the autonomy of the child, respecting their process and offering them an adapted and prepared environment so that they can achieve it. Thinking about this, to eliminate the diaper to the child, this is what should and should not be done:

- Do not depend on the age of the child: according to many theories, when the child turns 2 you must begin to withdraw the diaper, but the Montessori philosophy says that the ideal moment is when the child is ready to control sphincters, regardless of their age. It depends on your maturity at the physiological level. It is not something that is learned, it is something that is achieved when one is prepared. No - Do not depend on the season of the year:

although in summer it is easier to remove the diaper because the child wears less clothes and at night it does not remain wet with the cold, it is preferable to eliminate it in the season of the year in which the child is ready to leave, even if it's winter. - Prepare a suitable environment

: offer the child everything that he may need and that is at hand, whether potty, adapter, a step so that he can go to the toilet and wet wipes. In this way, when you feel like it, it will not depend on us and you can solve it on your own. No - Do not force him to sit on the toilet:Instead of forcing the child to sit on the toilet and having him there as if it were a punishment, it is preferable to go asking him if he needs to pee or poop, and be aware of the gestures What do they do.

- Do not establish a reward system: the child must see that it is a normal process and when he achieves it, he will have taken another step in his development. It is not convenient to tempt him with toys or gifts so that he can get it.

- Do not punish or scold him:

In learning, we all make mistakes, the child can also have some 'flight'. Instead of scolding him, we should downplay and motivate him. - Do not pose it as a challenge that is achieved in a few days: some children take two days and another fifteen. There are no methods that help to achieve it in a few days.