Consequences of the absent father in the children

Get up early, prepare breakfast for the children. Take them to school running, get to work running, return from work running, pick them up, take them to extracurricular activities, take advantage of that time to buy. Pick them up running, make dinner ... That is the day to day of many mothers and fa

Get up early, prepare breakfast for the children. Take them to school running, get to work running, return from work running, pick them up, take them to extracurricular activities, take advantage of that time to buy. Pick them up running, make dinner ... That is the day to day of many mothers and fathers, an uncontrolled and stressful whirlpool where there is no time to be with the children.

At best, at least you can ask 'how did you do at school'? But what happens in the case of parents who go out to work before the children wake up and come back at night when they are already asleep? What happens when the child has the feeling that his father (or mother) is an absent father ?10 consequences in the children of the absent father

The bond between parents and children and the contact in the first years of life is essential, but that link must be maintained, beyond their tender baby days.

Children need a reference to grow up, a mirror in which to look and a person to accompany them, listen to them and be with them when they need them. In the case that the children hardly have contact with their parents or feel that their mother or father is absent, they may have, in the future, all this series of problems: 1.Little confidence in themselves. Without doubt, the child will have low self-esteem and will not be able to believe in himself. This will be a major obstacle when making important decisions.

2. Distrust in others.How will you trust others if even their parents have not been there when they were needed? This will lead to problems relating to others

3. Behavior problems. Many children seek to attract the attention of their parents, and do so by becoming 'rebellious little children'. They behave badly at school, they use aggressiveness, they skip the rules. Everything that is necessary. It is a wake-up call to your parents.

4. Emotional problems. The lack of affection in childhood can generate a teenager with serious problems to control their emotions. Nobody taught him how to do it. During adolescence they face numerous feelings that can undermine a fragile personality.

5. Constant doubts. Not having a firm reference in childhood means that when they are older, children do not have clear rules. That is why they can become doubtful and undecided adolescents, with problems to make important decisions and above all, with an inability to commit themselves.

6. Compulsive behaviors. In the future, children from families with absent parents tend to be less rational, to be driven by impulses. They will feel anxiety and stress and often, aggressive behaviors.

7. Depression. The anguish of not having an emotional referent with him can trigger a depression in the child.

8. Mental problems. In extreme cases, this paternal and maternal absence in the family nucleus can generate serious psychological problems, such as personality disorders.

9. Dependent adults in excess. These children will be adolescents with a dependence in the future to find someone to cover the emptiness they feel. This can lead them to look sickly for people who care for them. They are afraid of being rejected, of being abandoned. That is why they will be able to sacrifice themselves in excess in order to have someone by their side.

10. Continuous interior vacuum. It's like a hole they can not cover. Sometimes, this lack of affection of their parents in childhood accompanies them forever.

Remember, a child is not only alone when the parents are not at home .

They are alone when the parents are not with him, even if they are at home. They are alone when they are assigned to watch TV so they do not bother, or to play with the tablet. If you want your child to be a healthy adult, spend a little time a day to be with them, to listen to them and, above all, to embrace them.