Causes of the whitish tongue in children

If there is a muscle in the body that can measure the state of health of the organism, that is undoubtedly the language . Through the tongue we can know if there is a problem, since both its texture and its color are able to reveal it. Some of these discomforts can be sores that have to do with anem

If there is a muscle in the body that can measure the state of health of the organism, that is undoubtedly the language. Through the tongue we can know if there is a problem, since both its texture and its color are able to reveal it. Some of these discomforts can be sores that have to do with anemia or ulcers due to a feverish state. For that reason, in we find other causes that can be 'read' in the languages ​​of children, as is the case of the whitish language, which occurs for different reasons.

Why children may have whitish tongue

-Poor feeding. If a child's tongue is slightly whiter than normal, this may be due to poor eating habits. A diet that includes too many sugars or industrial bakery could damage the teeth, but also cause problems in the tongue as is the case of its whitish color. For this, it is necessary to bring agood diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, proteins and far from excessive caprices with too much sugar.

- Dehydration. Another cause of whitish tongue in children may be occasional dehydration. This means that it is convenient to drink more liquids, such as water and juice to try to keep your mouth hydrated and not suffer infections.

- Oral hygiene deficit. The language of children can reveal negative health states, but it is the area of ​​the mouth that coexists with the teeth, which is necessary to wash thoroughly after each meal. If the child's tongue suddenly becomes whiter than usual, then it could be due to a lack of oral hygiene. To do this, it is necessary to teach children to wash their teeth properly, also to remove food debris from the tongue and gums, and to have a good hygiene habit after eating.

-Mushrooms. Candidiasis orfungiare not the exclusive property of adults, as they can also affect children, causing the whitish tongue problem. This infection can cause the whitish tongue, and it is necessary to stop it with the ingestion of antibiotics that will eliminate it.

- Halitosis. Oral odor can cause the tongue to turn white in the case of children. Because of a cold, tonsillitis, or other health problem that attacks the throat, the tongue may look much whiter than before. This also causes an unpleasant odor in the breath of children who suffer it.