How children affect the macrobiotic diet

The macrobiotic diet is not the same as the vegetarian or vegan diet. It is based above all on the consumption of cereals and brown rice, as well as some legumes and fruits. However, they also incorporate fish and meat sporadically. If the macrobiotic diet is followed correctly, it does not have to

The macrobiotic diet is not the same as the vegetarian or vegan diet. It is based above all on the consumption of cereals and brown rice, as well as some legumes and fruits. However, they also incorporate fish and meat sporadically. If the macrobiotic diet is followed correctly, it does not have to cause any health problems. However, poor preparation of the macrobiotic diet can cause food shortages in children.How macrobiotic diet affects children

Macrobiotic diets in childhood can be used

if properly planned

, are healthy, nutritionally balanced and provide benefits and good eating habits from childhood.If an adequate planning is not carried out, this can affect the development and growth of the child. There are nutrients to take into account, firstly, that the caloric intake is adequate, as well as the protein content, although these are mainly of vegetable origin.Other nutrients that may be compromised in the macrobiotic diet, but can be properly covered by certain foods are:



this mineral is found in vegetables, as well as in fish and eggs, you must take into account The latter are consumed in the macrobiotic diet sporadically.-Calcium:

This mineral is found in dark green leaves (chard, broccoli, cabbage, arugula), legumes, seeds, nuts and fish.-ZInc:

this nutrient can be found in less quantity in fish, legumes and nuts.-Vitamin B12:

we can incorporate vitamin B12 through the egg, dairy and fish, in case the child does not consume these foods frequently, it should be supplemented with vitamin B12.