Popular names of Bible characters for girls

There are baby names for all tastes. Traditional names, simple names , familiar names, rare names or curious names. And the decision to name the baby sometimes becomes very difficult, especially because of the enormous amount of possibilities. Many parents prefer names for their girls with roots, Bi

There are baby names for all tastes. Traditional names, simple names, familiar names, rare names or curious names. And the decision to name the baby sometimes becomes very difficult, especially because of the enormous amount of possibilities.

Many parents prefer names for their girls with roots, Bible characters. We have compiled a list with 10 popular biblical names, some more known than others, where you will surely find the ideal name for your girl.

Bible names for girls

1. Esther. It is a name of Sumerian origin that appears in the Bible as Esther. It is one of the most charming names for girls because its meaning is related to the stars and also to the myrtle, whose flower is shaped like a star.

2. Ruth. The name is of Hebrew origin and its meaning speaks of friendship. In the biblical stories, the kindness of Ruth who refused to leave her mother-in-law Naomi when they were widowed is counted.

3. Judith. This Hebrew name refers in its meaning to the tribe of Judah. Judit appears in the Bible as a brave and ingenious woman who managed to defeat the Babylonian army when they fought with the people of Israel.

4. Bethlehem. In the biblical stories, it is not a character, but a place near Judah where Jesus was born. Bethlehem literally means 'house of bread' and exudes so much strength and energy that it soon became a very popular girl's name.

5. Rachel. The name means in Hebrew 'sheep', but it has a symbolism of purity. In the Bible, Rachel is the wife Jacob loved the most, a woman who in principle could not have children, but who was finally blessed by God and had two children: Joseph and Benjamin.

6. Sara. This name has a meaning of 'princess' and in the biblical stories Sara is the wife of Abraham, who gave him a son when he was almost 100 years old. It is one of those traditional names with great ability to reinvent themselves and always be modern.

7. Marta. It is a name of Aramaic origin that means 'lady'. Marta appears in the Bible as the sister of Lazarus, the one Jesus resurrected. It is a name that has managed to retain its popularity without losing any freshness, so that it is always elegant and distinguished.

8. Naomi. The meaning of this name is related to joy. In the biblical stories, Naomi is Ruth's mother-in-law with whom she makes the way back to Bethlehem, her native land. It is one of the names for sweetest girls and reminds us of harmony and balance.

9. Débora. This Hebrew name meaning 'bee' appears in the Bible as the only female judge of ancient Israel. It is a name with a modern taste, in spite of its antiquity that it especially likes for its musicality.

10. Elisabeth. This English-appearing name is completely Hebrew and appears in the Bible as the wife of Zacarias, a woman who had her son John the Baptist at a very old age.

Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com