Happy in your day. Children's birthday song

Happy in your day is one of the best known songs to sing at birthday parties. It is a song by Miliki, one of the clowns most known and loved by children. If you do not remember the song or if you want to show it to your children, in Guiainfantil.com we show you the lyrics of the song Happy, happy in

Happy in your day is one of the best known songs to sing at birthday parties. It is a song by Miliki, one of the clowns most known and loved by children.

If you do not remember the song or if you want to show it to your children, in Guiainfantil.com we show you the lyrics of the song Happy, happy in your day so you can sing it.

Lyrics of the song Happy in your day

Happy, happy in your day
My little friend may God bless you
May peace reign in your life
And may you fulfill many more
Happy, happy in your day
My little friend may God bless you
that peace reigns in your life
and that you fulfill many more
Happy, happy in your day
little friend, may God bless you
may peace reign in your life
and may you fulfill many more
Happy, happy in your day
buddy May God bless you
May peace reign in your life
And may you fulfill many more
And may you fulfill many more.

Video of the song Happy in your day