10 Names of Gaelic origin for girls

Are you looking for a name for your future daughter? Here we propose the ten names of Gaelic origin most used and that are currently being trend . Their sonority and their meaning make them an option increasingly used by future dads and mothers for their daughters. 10 names of Gaelic origin for newb

Are you looking for a name for your future daughter? Here we propose the ten names of Gaelic origin most used and that are currently being trend.

Their sonority and their meaning make them an option increasingly used by future dads and mothers for their daughters.

10 names of Gaelic origin for newborns

1. Alana: its meaning is linked to harmony and awakening. Among the most common variants we can point Alanis. Among the famous with this name is the Canadian singer Alanis Morissette.

2. Ciara: means 'feminine form' although it is also linked to darkness and night. American actress and singer Ciara Princess Harris, winner of several Grammy Awards, has popularized this name of Gaelic origin.

3. Jana: This name refers to a 'gift from God'. Among its variants in other languages ​​we find Juana in Spanish, Joana in Portuguese, Jane in English or Jeanne in French.

4. Adara: its meaning is linked to the nobility. Among the most popular variants are Adar or Adra.

5. Keira:'Dark or dark complexion' is the meaning of this name of Gaelic origin. It is a name very used in Ireland.

6. Dana: means 'the one who judges, the one who has the capacity to arbitrate'. Because of its sonority and its brevity it is one of the names of Gaelic origin most used.

7. Callie: Caillie's name is linked to the forests and also to beauty.

8. Bridget:'strength and endurance' are the meanings of this Gaelic name for a girl. It is linked to Celtic mythology since it is the name of the goddess of fire and poetry. This name was popularized with the movie 'The Diary of Bridget Jones'.

9. Nya:Nya means lustrous. Among the most common variants are: Nia, Nea, Niah or Nyah.

10. Elva:This name means the one that comes from the top of the mountains, and also refers to the characteristics, white, noble and bright.

Cristina González Hernando. Editor of Guiainfantil.com