The 10 best stories for children

Stories and books for children there are many. But, of all, what are the best? The list could be very long, but we have tried to reduce it as much as possible. No doubt many are missing, but those that are are indispensable. For what they contribute, for how they are written and for the way to capti

Stories and books for children there are many. But, of all, what are the best? The list could be very long, but we have tried to reduce it as much as possible. No doubt many are missing, but those that are are indispensable. For what they contribute, for how they are written and for the way to captivate the children's audience.

This selection of the best stories and books for children, gathers all the basic ingredients to captivate the children's audience. They are stories that trap the reader, that makes them laugh, that makes them dream, that makes them think ... Without a doubt, real gems that should be on all the shelves or children's bedrooms.