When it is necessary to do the IQ test on children

Many parents can have a gifted child at home and have not realized it. Or on the contrary they think it is because they have arrived from school with the result of the test they did there where they say that they are very intelligent (although this type of test that is done in a group is unreliable)

Many parents can have a gifted child at home and have not realized it. Or on the contrary they think it is because they have arrived from school with the result of the test they did there where they say that they are very intelligent (although this type of test that is done in a group is unreliable).

Actually, what good is a test that measures the IQ? In what cases is it advisable to do so?

When to do the IQ test on children

There are ways to know and understand a child's abilities, such as trying to assess the ease and speed with which the child solves logical problems or perceives similarities between different situations.

Doing these types of games can give us indicators to ask us questions: Does the child need special education? Is the child gifted and is an adapted teaching needed? These are some of the cases in which the IQ test is performed in children: Al - When you suspect that you may be gifted.

- Given an evident delay in learning. Ante - When there is a suspicion of childhood hyperactivity.

- To check the effects of head trauma.

From these questions is where we can ask for a more complete assessment of the child's intelligence by asking a specialist (pedagogue or psychologist) to perform the IQ test, after consulting the school.

When Ci tests for children are reliable

Intelligence is difficult to measure, so to be reliable they must be performed by professionals, otherwise it can do much harm to both the self-esteem and the expectations towards the boy.

This type of test

are only necessary in special circumstances

. And the results they give will have very important consequences. For this reason, the type of tests that can be found online or those that are done in mass groups without controlled circumstances are not reliable. In the case of having to do it, you should always be with a specialist psychologist.