What children learn from their mistakes

Learning from experience is what most teach adults and children in this life. For this reason, parents should let children make mistakes from time to time, because it is the only way to have real and integrated learning. But this is not as easy as it seems. Since the children are born, the parents l

Learning from experience is what most teach adults and children in this life. For this reason, parents should let children make mistakes from time to time, because it is the only way to have real and integrated learning. But this is not as easy as it seems. Since the children are born, the parents love them unconditionally and as they grow they are supported so that they learn everything in life, starting to sit, crawl or walk. Parents are the guides who will teach everything to the little ones so that they are well and learn what they need. Support and teaching should always go hand in hand.Why it is important to let children make mistakes

Although some parents feel uncomfortable,

it is necessary for parents to let children make some mistakes

, in fact, letting children learn from them will make them small can increase resilience, something that will grow your confidence, your ability and your happiness. If children are given the opportunity to fight and make mistakes, they will be allowed to develop great social and emotional skills. But when a child is allowed to make mistakes, you must be sure that you are not putting their safety and your peace of mind at risk.The mistakes that a child is allowed to commit

should always be in situations controlled by the adult para, in order to help and guide him after the child has made the mistake. The role of parents is to support and guide children and never do things for them, because children must learn to do it for themselves.

What children learn from their mistakes When children have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes what they really learn is:-

An opportunity to do things for themselves and also to do well.

First, it will be with help and with guidance from parents, but little by little this help should be reduced so that the children are able to do it for themselves. For example, to tie your shoes, you can guide him in the process (guiding is not the same as doing it for him) until the little one learns to do it alone and without help.

- Learn new things . An error is always an opportunity to learn something new. Nobody is born known and we need to make mistakes to learn what we are experiencing. Math problems are a good example of this.

- Tolerance to frustration. Life can be full of disappointments and failures, but it will be depending on how the child feels about these failures whether he is a successful person or not. Instead of focusing on victory as a teaching, you will have to reflect with your children on the road and on everything they have learned.