
It is an excellent learning for children from very young . To achieve this, parents must teach children to channel all this anger and frustration. To achieve this, the psychologist Silvia Alava, gives us 5 very useful guidelines that parents can apply to teach children to tolerate frustration. How t

It is an excellent learning for children from very young .To achieve this, parents must teach children to channel all this anger and frustration. To achieve this, the psychologist Silvia Alava, gives us 5 very useful guidelines that parents can apply to teach children to tolerate frustration.

How to learn to manage frustration in childhood

1. Be an example

: the adult is the model that the child follows. If we adults show signs of frustration or let go of anger and anger when things do not go as they would like, children will copy their behavior. It is important to transform rage by effort to get what we want. Traba 2. Work steadfastness, effort and routine: in order for children to learn to strive, it helps to target activities that involve doing that effort, like a sport, better if it is a team because other skills are also worked on.

3. Do not reason when the child is angry: if the child screams, cries and has a tantrum, the parents have to apply what we call the psychologists 'extinction', that is, the child has to see that he does not achieve his goal with that attitude. We will not listen to the child when he has this behavior, we will do it and we will reason when he is calm.

4. Do not dramatize:If the child has something wrong and we give him a very strong emotional charge, the child will be frustrated. If the child is wrong, we accept it, we recognize it and we start to fix it. We use all our energy to improve what has been done wrong is more constructive than to stay dramatizing about the fact. Ense 5. Teach them to wait:

to teach the child to be patient, we can do small routine things like making him wait in everyday situations, like not going immediately if he calls or waits at the table until everything is ready. We will increase the waiting time as the child grows and is prepared Video: symptoms of the child tolerates frustration