Bleeding in the first weeks of pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy, from conception to the birth of the baby. However, the importance of this fact will vary depending on the weeks of gestation in which the woman is. We must differentiate between spotting and bleeding. Bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy We

Vaginal bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy, from conception to the birth of the baby. However, the importance of this fact will vary depending on the weeks of gestation in which the woman is. We must differentiate between spotting and bleeding.

Bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy

We refer to spotting when the amount is so low that it does not cover or soak a compress, it may be reddish or brown (coagulated blood). It may be common at the beginning of pregnancy, it is what we call 'spotting by implantation'; Sometimes it also happens after intercourse, because the vagina is very edematized, and the friction can cause a slight spotting of blood, mixed with flow (usually pink).

The bleeding, on the other hand, is of greater importance in terms of quantity and relevance; it is necessary to use sanitary napkins to avoid soaking clothes.

In both cases it is advisable to inform the midwife or gynecologist to determine the origin of the bleeding or spotting.

Normal causes of bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy

- Coitus, edema and vaginal dryness are usually the cause.

- Vaginal infection.

- Bleeding due to implantation in the uterus.

- Hormonal changes

Serious causes of bleeding in the first trimester

- Threat of abortion.

- Miscarriage, loss of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus can live spontaneously.

- Ectopic pregnancy: the location of the pregnancy is not in the uterus, but in the tubes, the ovaries ... It usually causes much pain in addition to the bleeding.

- Molar pregnancy, the embryo is not formed properly.

In the event that bleeding occurs and the pregnancy continues, the diagnosis we usually give is that of 'threat of abortion', sole and we usually recommend for a bit the rhythm; even relative rest, away from stress ... Do not have sex, since the orgasm causes uterine contractions, do not use douching and tampons. Sometimes, in some cases, the woman may be instructed to take a medication, in order to keep the

uterus at rest . It is usually progesterone, a hormone that is released during pregnancy.Very heavy bleeding

may require hospitalization pero, but it is rare.