Tricks for sagging belly after childbirth

During pregnancy, the logical growth of the abdomen causes the skin to stretch and become much more elastic to house the baby. This usually leads to flaccidity of the belly area in the postpartum period that is difficult to eliminate, at least during the first weeks. Many mothers want to have a firm

During pregnancy, the logical growth of the abdomen causes the skin to stretch and become much more elastic to house the baby. This usually leads to flaccidity of the belly area in the postpartum period that is difficult to eliminate, at least during the first weeks.

Many mothers want to have a firm belly after giving birth, and this is possible thanks to home remedies. In we discover the best tricks to say goodbye to sagging belly after the birth of the baby.

5 remedies for belly flaccidity after childbirth

1.Balanced diet. To get back to having a flat stomach after giving birth el, exercise and beauty treatments are not everything, far from it. It is very important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, with products and foods that are natural and varied and help not to retain liquids and to stimulate the abdominal muscles. Some of the star foods in the diet are green leafy vegetables, meat and fish proteins, legumes or vegetables.2.

Water against liquid retention. Much of the blame forbelly flaccidityafter childbirth is due to fluid retention that leads to pregnancy. To end it both in the pregnancy itself and in the postpartum it is necessary to drink a lot of water, since the liquid that is swallowed helps to lower the general swelling of the body, and specifically that of the belly.3.

Abdominal hypopressives. These exercises are the star option of recent moms to recover the toning of the abdomen after giving birth. This activity is ideal for women who have just had a baby, because through breathing and proper postures you can getthe abdominals back to their place after delivery. 4.

Hydration of the skin. To recover the toning of theabdominal muscles it is necessary to deeply hydrate the area in question. For that reason, to finish with the flaccidity, one must take great care in terms of external agents so that the skin becomes strong and elastic again. Homemade masks are also ideal for reactivating the dermis in the postpartum period and for sagging to be reduced. 5.

Walk daily. Although it is advisable to return to regular exercise after quarantine, not only to recover the figure after pregnancy, but also to stimulate resistance and elasticity, walking is also very relevant to the abdomen. Thebelly flacciditycan be combated by walking every day for an average of twenty minutes, since in this way the fluid retention that affects the legs but also the belly is fought. In addition, the very movement of walking each day by strengthening the abdomen with breathing will make it easier toharden the areain question.