Natural remedies for dry eyes in children

Ocular dryness is a very common discomfort in adults, but it also affects children. Having very dry eyes can cause the appearance of styes or irritability in the eye area, and can be caused by the deficiency of natural humidity, or by environmental agents, such as cold or heat. help

Ocular dryness is a very common discomfort in adults, but it also affects children. Having very dry eyes can cause the appearance of styes or irritability in the eye area, and can be caused by the deficiency of natural humidity, or by environmental agents, such as cold or heat.

helps us to know the best home remedies to get relief la dry eyes in children easily. Tr 5 tricks to relieve dry eyes in children 1. Massages on the eyelids

. When the eyes do not lubricate naturally and suffer constant dryness, the area of ​​the eyelids is often irritated, which can cause painful discomfort, and even the appearance of styes. To stimulate the production of ocular moisture, the

soft massages on the eyelidsare great allies. It is simply necessary to gently press the closed eyes with your index and heart fingers, and move them in circles for a few seconds, until they get wet.2. Deep hygiene . Although the dryness of the eyes may be due to a

moisture deficiencythat the eyes must have, it may also be caused by insufficient hygiene. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the area in question with warm water and mild soap. It is necessary that the soap used is not aggressive with the skin of children, to maintain its pH without damaging the child's look. This will help the blinking become more noticeable and thedryness of the eyes will decrease. 3. Artificial tears . When natural humidity does not reach, it is best to resort to natural tears or eye drops. It is a medical product that can be found in pharmacies, and what it produces is a series of natural tears, ideal for dry eyes. These tears help this deficit of natural flow contribute to reduce eye dryness and there is no itching or pain in the eyes.

4. Maskof cucumber. Cucumber has anti-inflammatory properties and it is also a powerful decongesting trigger that makes the area affected by a discomfort get better. Therefore, before eyes that do not have enough lacrimal flow, or that suffer from irritability with air conditioning, excessive heat or environmental changes, is a great home remedy. The pattern of action is simple, simply

cut into slices the cucumber freshly taken out of the fridge so that it keeps all its properties and stays fresh. Afterwards, it is only necessary to place it in the closed eyes for a few minutes so thatthe area relaxes and the eyelids return to their being. 5. Humidifiers . Although the dryness in the eyes may be due to a physical problem, many times the look suffers from external agents. Although it can not be stopped the fact that there is wind or excessive temperature in an open space, yes it can be controlled in closed places. Therefore, for children do not suffer from dry eyes at home es, it is necessary to put humidifiers to keep the environment cool. This will considerably reduce the sensation of itching and irritability in the eyes, and will contribute to their hydration.