
Food plays an important role tanto: both the low amount of fiber in the diet and the abundant content of it is capable of triggering symptoms such as abdominal distension, therefore it is necessary to know what foods can be consumed or discarded, as well as the way to prepare them. Foods that produc

Food plays an important role tanto: both the low amount of fiber in the diet and the abundant content of it is capable of triggering symptoms such as abdominal distension, therefore it is necessary to know what foods can be consumed or discarded, as well as the way to prepare them. Foods that produce gases in pregnant women 1.

Legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas).2.


(cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onion, artichokes, cucumber, pepper, beans, radishes, turnips, asparagus, lettuce). 3.

Fruits such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, apricots, plums, grapes. 4. Cereals

(whole grains, oats, wheat bran, oat bran). Ex 5. Excess of artificial sweeteners (mannitol, xylitol and sorbitol), which are found mainly in soft drinks, chewing gum and sugar-free candy. Ex 6. Excess of flours, sugars and consuming large amounts of fibers in those who are not used to it.

7. Excess dairy (milk and cheese).

Eat very fast, talking excessively while eating and chewing with an open mouth causes the entry of air generating more gases. Also drink liquids directly from a bottle or with a straw. Tips to reduce gas in pregnancy

- First of all to test tolerance

, not all foods that produce gas to one person cause the same effect in others; You can keep a food register to detect which foods cause you the most gas. Una - Once you detect those foods, suppress them momentarily

of the food for a while, until the symptoms improve, then introduce them gradually and test tolerance.

- If you want to consume vegetables it is recommended

to break the boil while they are cooked (remove from the fire or add cold water), you can also remove the skin from the legumes or buy for example peeled lentils.- Fruits such as pineapple, papaya and kiwi contain enzymes (proteolytic) that prevent the formation of gases; also

you can consume the fruit without skin . -

Consume dairy products such as yogurt that provide prebiotics and help the formation of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, improving digestion. -

Eat slowly and chew very well food improves digestion.- Drink liquids

after meals . -

Take infusions after meals such as chamomile, lime, cinnamon, mint or cardamom and, if you like, you can add anise seeds. -

Perform physical exercise : the movement helps to eliminate the gases, but without forgetting to make a correct breath (inhale through the nose and expire through the mouth).