How to distribute care to children when there are three

A common concern in parents who have more than one child (for example, three), is if they are really distributing care in their children fairly . Children need their parents to pay attention to them and also be equitable with the rest of the siblings, if this is not the case, rivalries and problems

A common concern in parents who have more than one child (for example, three), is if they are really distributing care in their children fairly. Children need their parents to pay attention to them and also be equitable with the rest of the siblings, if this is not the case, rivalries and problems between siblings would begin.

A father or mother will always have their thoughts divided in the needs of their children but children do not always see this as well. The first-born have the advantage of having enjoyed the parents in a special way because in one way or another they had the full attention of the parents during a certain time.

How to care for children equally

Can you really divide the attention of children equally when there are three? Surely not so, because you really can not. Children need attention all the time and we do not have enough capacity to do it every day during every minute of the 24 hours ... But even if you can not give them all the attention in equal parts 24 hours yes you can distribute attention to your children so that it is as balanced as possible.

1.Involve your children in daily activities. If you involve your children in daily activities, you can spend time with them in equal parts. For example, if you are feeding your baby you can tell your children to read next to you to spend all that time on the couch.

2.Plan family activities. In this way, everyone will have time as a family and the bond can be united in each of its members. You can perform activities such as a trip to the park, board games, cooking together, etc.

3.Spend time with each of your children alone. Children only want their parents' attention but do not ask for much. They need to feel special and it's as easy as doing homework with them, telling them a story, painting a picture or going for a walk. It is necessary to look for special and quality time to spend with each of the children during the day.

4.Leave them alone time. It is also necessary that children have time alone and independent play. In this way they will value the time they spend with mom and dad and also with other people.

5.Beware of hurtful comments. There are some comments that should be controlled so that children do not feel bad if they can not spend time with you. For example, you should avoid phrases like: 'I can not play with you because I am feeding your brother now', and it is better to say things like: 'We can play in just a few minutes' (and then fulfill it, of course) .