The red thread. Eastern legend for children

Legends often deal with complex topics of understanding for children . The story is perhaps the simplest way to deal with concepts such as love or destiny. In this case, this oriental legend ('The red thread'), speaks of that 'connection' that exists between two people, that feeling to which we refe

Legends often deal with complex topics of understanding for children. The story is perhaps the simplest way to deal with concepts such as love or destiny.

In this case, this oriental legend ('The red thread'), speaks of that 'connection' that exists between two people, that feeling to which we refer when we speak of a 'soul mate'. Since we are born, says the story, a red thread, invisible to our eyes, connects us with another person. Do you believe in fate? Here you have a beautiful legend that talks about it.

The red thread, oriental legend about destiny

Long ago, but a long time ago, an emperor learned that in one of the provinces of his kingdom lived a very powerful witch quien, who had capacidad the ability to see the thread red of fateand he had it brought before his presence. When the witch arrived, the emperor ordered him to look for the other end of the thread that he had tied to his little finger and take it to what would be his wife. The witch agreed to this request and began to follow and follow the thread. The search took them to a market, where a poor peasant with a baby in her arms offered her products. When she reached this peasant woman, she stopped in front of her and invited her to stand up.

He made the young emperor come and said: 'Here ends your thread', but upon hearing this the emperor became enraged, believing that it was a mockery of the witch, pushed the peasant who was still carrying her little baby in her arms and He made her fall, causing the baby to get a large wound in her forehead, ordered her guards to stop the witch and lock her up.

Many years later,

the time came when this emperor was to marry

and his court recommended that it was best for him to marry the daughter of a very powerful general. He accepted and the day of the wedding arrived. En And at the moment of seeing for the first time the face of his wife, who entered the temple with a beautiful dress and a veil that completely covered her ... When she lifted it up, she saw that that beautiful face had a very peculiar scar on her forehead. The woman he was going to marry ... was the baby that the peasant held. The witch did not cheat on him. Destiny united them definitively.