Twist of my school. Songs of the school

One of the most famous children's groups, Parchís, made a funny and moving song about school: The Twist of my school . If your children feel lazy when starting classes, you can give them encouragement with this cheerful song. An ideal song also for end-of-school parties, to dance with friends or to

One of the most famous children's groups, Parchís, made a funny and moving song about school: The Twist of my school. If your children feel lazy when starting classes, you can give them encouragement with this cheerful song.

An ideal song also for end-of-school parties, to dance with friends or to choreograph with friends. Do you dare to dance the school twist?

Letter from the song of Parchís The Twist of my school

With the twist of my school

Twist, twist, twist

Twist, twist, twist

Twist, twist, twist

Twist, twist, twist

To the same compas of the twist

to sing and to dance without stopping

With the twist of my school

all the students of my course

dance crazy twist

in the moments of recreation

there are two teachers who sign up

because the twist they have learned

in their times of school

At the end of the course there is a contest

in my class there are finalists

champion of the school

that is very clear my friend

ahy to lie in your pocket

that title and its award

Twist, twist

championship and courses

twist , twist

college championship

twist, twist

teachers and students

twist, twist

at the same level of the team

Teachers and students at the same level ter of the same team

With the twist of my school gio

twist, twist, twist

twist, twist, twist

twist, twist, twist

twist, twist, twist

At the same time the twist

to sing and dance without stopping

with the twist of my school

All the students of my course

twist crazed dancers

in the recreational time

there are two teachers who sign up

because the twist they have learned

in their school days

At the end of the course there is a contest

in my class there are finalists

championship school

that's very clear my friend

you have to lie in your pocket

that title is a prize

Twist, twist

championship and courses

twist, twist

college championship

twist, twist

teachers and students

twist, twist

to the beat of the same third

Teachers and students to the rhythm

of the same ternium

With the twist of my school

Let's dance all the twist

to dance the twist

come on it's stopped

let's dance the twist

to dance the twist

come on let's go there

let's dance

let's go there

with the twist of my school