What is cyberbullying in children

As cyberbullying or cyberbullying is understood as the use and dissemination of information, real or fictitious, with intent to harm or defame through the Internet. This is a type of harassment that is carried out through digital media such as email, sms, chats, social networks or any other electron

As cyberbullying or cyberbullying is understood as the use and dissemination of information, real or fictitious, with intent to harm or defame through the Internet. This is a type of harassment that is carried out through digital media such as email, sms, chats, social networks or any other electronic platform for disseminating content.

The child victim of harassment tends to receive offensive messages with aggressive language or threats. He is also exposed to spreading rumors, gossip or false information of a cruel nature to damage his image. Even on occasion, they steal your password in digital media to impersonate your identity and antagonize you with your friends.

We explain what el cyberbullying is in children and how to know if my child is cyberbullying. How to know if my child suffers cyberbullying

Cyberbullying affects people of any age and condition, including children, who are sometimes harassed and attacked through electronic means in the following ways: El - The child receives insults , threats or is the object of mockery and gossip, sometimes false, of other minors.


The child is harassed over time

, in repeated situations, not as a punctual event. - Harassment, although it may have elements of a sexual nature, does not have a sexual purpose.- The child and the harasser are of similar ages, that is, other children who attack and harass the child through social networks or other digital media.


The means used to harass the child is technological

: chats, emails, social networks, etc. - Cyberbullying usually leads to a real life harassment action, which has as an extension virtual harassment, however, the second case can also be exclusive.- This type of harassment through digital platforms causes many others to witness the harassment, harassment and harassment of the victim.

It's about humiliating the child in front of an audience

. - The stalker hides behind a nickname or the anonymity provided by the Internet.Source

: Guide S.O.S. against the Cyberbullying of the National Institute of Communication Technologies (INTECO)