Lice and nits in children

Considering how difficult it is to detect, treat and completely eliminate head lice and nits of children, has made a complete and very informative interview with the pharmaceutical Cristina Abascal . In this interview, she explains how contagion is, how it can be detected and what i

Considering how difficult it is to detect, treat and completely eliminate head lice and nits of children, has made a complete and very informative interview with the pharmaceutical Cristina Abascal. In this interview, she explains how contagion is, how it can be detected and what is the best treatment to eliminate these annoying parasites and their eggs.

What are lice and nits?

Lice are very small parasites, which do not have wings, and which are whitish, except when they inoculate the blood and change color to red or black. It is very important to know that lice do not move by jumping or flying, but move very quickly and attach themselves to the hair with their legs. The feeding of lice is based on blood. During the day, you can feed several times of blood, for 30 minutes. To break the life cycle of lice, they must be out of their host for 48 hours. During this time, and without blood, the lice do not survive.

Nits are the eggs of lice. They are very small granites, of millimeter size, which are white when they are dead, or caramelized. The female incubates them on the scalp, in areas such as behind the ears or on the nape of the neck, because that is where the temperature is higher and better for their growth.

Why is it important to detect lice in time?

It is important to detect the presence of lice in the children as long as possible to avoid infection by the injuries caused by scratching and itching on the children's heads. On the other hand, the presence of lice in children can affect their self-esteem. When it is known that a child has lice, this child is marginalized and removed from the games, and because they think he has them for lack of hygiene, which is not true.

-How can you detect if children have lice?

The first sign that a child has lice is if you scratch your head intensely, because of itching. The cause of itching caused by lice, is due to inoculation of the saliva that these parasites deposit on the head and that produce an allergic reaction. To check the children's heads it is important to do it thoroughly, starting with the area behind the ears and the nape of the neck. The nits are very tiny, and can easily be confused with dandruff. The difference is that dandruff can be easily removed and nits can not. If lice or nits are detected, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

How is the treatment to eliminate lice and nits?

There is anti-lice treatment in the form of lotions, sprays or shampoo. The most advisable is to buy a kit that has, the lotion or spray, the shampoo. It usually includes a hat and a nurse to be able to drag nits more easily. It is very important to follow everything recommended by each treatment. Once the lotion has been thoroughly rinsed, it will be checked by strand of hair of the children, and to see if there is any nit left on the hair. You can remove them with the pressure of the nails, although the best and most advisable is to do it with the help of a nurse.

How can you avoid the spread of lice at home?

The spread of lice is by direct contact, that is, touching one head with another, through a pillow, cushion, stuffed animals, sheets, blankets, or any object in the house that may be in contact with the head of the child. affected. That is why it is very important not only to check the heads of the children as well as the objects they share. In the event that the child has lice and nits, it is necessary to wash at a temperature of 60 degrees, their sheets, blankets, clothes ... And stuffed animals, hats or jerseyes, which can not be subjected to these temperatures, put them in a bag plastic that closes well and leave them stored for a week. In this way, the nits and lice they may have are going to die after 48 hours without feeding on human blood.

Do home remedies for lice work?

Many mothers have been telling us that they perform techniques such as putting alcohol on children's heads and keeping it covered for a while, but that has no scientifically proven effect. The only thing that works to eliminate the nits is to use the technique of dragging, either with the pressure of the nails or through a lancerera. In contrast, vinegar can be useful, because it helps to detach more easily the nits of the hair. It does not eliminate them, but it helps their entrainment. S

How can lice be prevented and repelled?

Repellent products are effective, comfortable and are a good way to prevent children from getting head lice from other children after the treatment of head lice or without treatment. The repellent sprays have an efficiency of about 6 hours. Depending on the product, it can be more or less effective. As for shampoos, the effectiveness time is longer, since you have to apply it day after day.