Diet for pregnant women with hypertension

Hypertension is a disease that affects 5% of pregnant women. Preeclampsia does not represent a high-risk disease if it is controlled by the doctor and appropriate measures are taken so that the tension is controlled. On the other hand, in some cases it could lead to eclampsia, a serious situation th

Hypertension is a disease that affects 5% of pregnant women. Preeclampsia does not represent a high-risk disease if it is controlled by the doctor and appropriate measures are taken so that the tension is controlled.

On the other hand, in some cases it could lead to eclampsia, a serious situation that can even entail a risk to life. Women with signs of preeclampsia should be followed closely by the doctor.

Foods to control the tension in pregnancy

In addition to practicing moderate physical exercise and controlling stress to avoid the stress rising, you can take into account these recommendations on the ideal diet for hypertensive pregnant women:

- Food must be rich in potassium, a mineral present in most fruits and vegetables, especially in bananas, spinach, melon or citrus. Potassium is a diuretic and helps eliminate excess salt in the body.

- It is important that the diet of the pregnant woman is composed of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as sardines, anchovies or mackerel. These acids help reduce cholesterol levels, prevent blockage of the arteries and facilitate the passage of blood. Los - Experts in nutrition increasingly put magnesium in a more prominent place for its properties for the development of children's bones and their growth. Magnesium deficiency is associated with hypertension. This mineral is present in legumes, whole grains, nuts or seeds.

- Calcium has proven its effectiveness in controlling tension, it is also essential for the baby's proper development. It is present in yoghurts, cheeses, tofu or green leafy vegetables.

- At meals it is important to limit or avoid

salt consumption. - It is totally inadvisable in the diet of the pregnant woman with hypertension, caffeine and industrial pastries, since they increase blood pressure.