What benefits robotics brings to children

Robotics is a pedagogical tool that is becoming more relevant every day because through play activities children develop different skills that will be very useful in the future. Initiating children in the field of robotics integrate different areas of knowledge such as mathematics, science and techn

Robotics is a pedagogical tool that is becoming more relevant every day because through play activities children develop different skills that will be very useful in the future.

Initiating children in the field of robotics integrate different areas of knowledge such as mathematics, science and technology in a fun way and also provide many advantages.

7 advantages that robotics brings to children

Robotics has to do with electronics. It may seem like a subject for adults, but children are familiar with the electronic world since childhood. We can also play with them to create our own 'robots' or electronic devices. Playing to create through robotics brings all these benefits:

1. Have fun. It is a playful activity, children have fun shaping their own constructions.

2. Learning. Learn electronic, mechanical and computer programming concepts.

3. Strengthens creativity. With robotics children encourage their creativity since they start from an idea and develop it until the end.

4. Awakens critical thinking. It helps them develop scientific and logical thinking in order to develop their projects.

5. Improves self-esteem. Increase their self-esteem and their ability to excel when they see the direct application of their knowledge which stimulates them to continue learning.

6. Improves tolerance to frustration. It helps them overcome frustration when they do not reach the goal, seeking support in the group to solve problems by developing different strategies.

7. Prepares them for the future. Everything you learned with robotics will be great for your future.

Cristina González Hernando. Editor of Guiainfantil.com