The most foolish punishment. Children's story about mothers

Mothers are irreplaceable. But his work often goes unnoticed in the eyes of the little ones. And although mothers work selflessly at home, this does not take away anything of value from their dedication and effort. Use this story, 'The dumbest punishment' para, to explain the children why the role o

Mothers are irreplaceable. But his work often goes unnoticed in the eyes of the little ones. And although mothers work selflessly at home, this does not take away anything of value from their dedication and effort.

Use this story, 'The dumbest punishment' para, to explain the children why the role of mother is more complete and valuable. They will love it!The most foolish punishment, children's story about mothers

There was once a king who became an orphan as a child and grew up surrounded by military men and councilors who made him a powerful and wise but insensitive king. That's why he got tired when people talked passionately about their mothers. And to such an extent came his anger that he decided to give them all the power.

- Well, if mothers are so good at everything, they govern them. Let's see how they do it.

The news was received with great joy all over the world, but it turned out to be a resounding failure. Things were going so bad that the king had to regain control soon after. And when he asked his counselors to find out what had failed, they concluded that

mothers had always given more importance to the problems of their own children than to those of the kingdom. And so, they arrived late for important meetings when their children were sick, they postponed the trials to go to pick them up at school, and a thousand other things. When he heard it, the king became so angry that he punished all the mothers of the kingdom with exile. La - Whoever wants to continue as a mother, to leave. No And there was not one left.

Soon after, despite his return to government, the kingdom was even worse. He asked his counselors again and they, after studying the matter, responded: La - The lack of mothers has created a huge problem of nutrition that is sinking the kingdom. It was they who made the food.

- Okay. Hire an army of cooks - said the king.

But after hiring thousands of cooks, things did not improve. This time the sages found a new reason for the disaster: La - The lack of mothers has created a huge hygiene problem that is sinking the kingdom. They were the ones who cleaned. No - No problem. Hire an army of butlers! - the king replied, very irritated.

But after hiring the mayordomos, things continued the same. Once again the sages believed they found the cause: La - The lack of mothers has created a huge health problem that is sinking the kingdom. They were the ones who treated the small wounds and now they all become infected and become serious.

- Well, hire an army of nurses !! - the king shouted furious.

But the thousands of nurses hired did not improve anything. And neither are the economists, tailors or decorators. Not even the discovery of large gold mines that allowed the king to hire as many people as he wanted. I could not find a way to totally replace mothers.

Until one day, while walking, he saw some children arguing. He had seen them play a thousand times as friends, but now they argued with such anger and contempt that the king approached them to calm them down.

- Easy, guys. Friends must treat each other with more affection. Is it because of a single fight you are going to stop wanting?

The children, embarrassed, stopped the fight and left with their heads down. As they walked away, the king heard them whisper.

- Hey, do you know what it is to love yourself? - said one. Sí - Yes, of course, it is a very modern invention of a friend of my grandfather - the other replied, becoming the expert - We will be taught at the school within a couple of years.

The king understood everything in an instant. There were all the problems of the kingdom: nadie no one was teaching the children what love and affection were!

Then he thought about who to hire to do this work, but he did not find anyone: it was something that mothers had always taught, and nobody could replace them in that.

And repented for his injustice and hardness of heart, he sent for and hired all the mothers he had expelled, paying them a very high salary just for being mothers. And in a short time the kingdom solved its problems and greatly exceeded its former prosperity.

But some did not take long to protest to the king because he was paying a salary to those who would do their mothers' work for free. And the king, to refresh all the memory, decided to withdraw his face from all the coins of the kingdom, and replace it with the image of a mother with her son, and an inscription that said:

- 'Neither this nor any kingdom would be anything without the love of their mothers. '