The feeling of revenge in children

Who has not made a prank when it was small? Who does not know a child that is a little trasto? ... The antics also serve as a learning vehicle . They are typical in children. They are part of the evolution and development of the little ones and in some cases it is the imitation of the actions of the

Who has not made a prank when it was small? Who does not know a child that is a little trasto? ... The antics also serve as a learning vehicle. They are typical in children. They are part of the evolution and development of the little ones and in some cases it is the imitation of the actions of the older ones.

Each type of mischief is consistent with the age of the child. But as the child grows, innocent mischief transforms. When the intention appears, we talk about feeling of revenge.

From trickery to revenge in children

Revenge is a feeling that comes from a feeling of intense anger. It is true that this feeling of revenge does not imply any evil in the child and that executing it will depend on the characteristics of the child such as:

- Self-esteem. Interpreting whether there has been 'bad intentionality' in the other's mind depends on how emotionally we are and how self-esteem we are. The same happens to the child.

- If you are introverted or extroverted. If he is introverted, the child manifests his feelings internally. If it is extroverted, there is a greater tendency for there to be a need to 'get it out'. Hence, manifesto esu anger through the behavior of revenge.

- Impulsivity. The more impulsive the child is, the more willing he is to want an immediate response to his emotions. even if they are irrational impulses.

- If you are a perfectionist or conform.Obviously, more conformist children are also more peaceful and have more patience to endure the antics of others.

The feeling of revenge according to the age of the children

The most important thing in the case of the feeling of revenge is the appearance of the child's intention and age. For example, when a baby less than a year is irritated by something, he does not attack, since he does not have this capacity to put himself in the place of the other one that gives him the intention.

As stages develop in the development is from 4 to 7 years when skills are acquired to consider the point of view of others (deduce whether the intention is harmful or not) and this brings the revenge . It is from primary school when children are vengeful.

With revenge, an act of aggression is being carried out, since it is a behavior that is carried out with the intention of damaging the other. Therefore, it is good to talk about this feeling with the child, to make him see that his behavior will not lead to anything good.